Chapter 3

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Luna's Pov

We were standing by a church. Teresa was on the phone, trying to reach Don Epifanio. Just like Guero told us to. So we waited till he actually answered. But when he did.

Don Epifanio: hello? Hello?........ Teresita. Lunita..


We were waiting at the outside of the sode of church for don epifanio to arrived. In all honest, I was scared of the outcome of the night, because in the end we didn't know who to trust. When he arrived we watched as he got out the car and waited for him to see us.

Don Epifanio: Chicas ? he asked while looking directly at us as he started to lit his cigar in his hands but teresa didn't want us to move intill she thought it was safe enough.


Inside the Church ----

Teresa was the first to speak
once we got inside.

Teresa: Is he really dead? of course she had to asked about him, it pain me to watch my sister be so sad about losing the love of her life. I try to understand the pain she's in but i've never be in a relationship nor have I felt or experince true love.

  Don Epifanio: Yes. I hated how he responsed to her question with such a simple answer. He let her take a moment before telling her the reasons.

Don Epifanio: He was caught playing both sides, and someone finally blew the whistle on him. he said before looking down at the book guero told us to give Epifano to save both of our lifes

Don Epifanio: Have both of you read what's in here? he asked while looking at teresa first then look at me

Teresa: No, we just brought it to you like Guero told us to. We don't know anything. teresa quickly told him no but we both knew that that was a big lie but glad that Don epifano believed her.

Don Epifanio: You and your sister are lucky. For the time being, both of you are live.

he was now directly at tere. ready to warn her or to warn us. I waited for what he had to say so I remaind quiet as before. Letting tere do all the talking.

Don Epifanio: You know these people. They have to make an example when people steal from them.

Teresa: You could talk to them. Tell them that we don't know anything.

but don epifanio cuts her off before she even finsh talking

Don Epifanio: They already know that you both don't know anything. That's not the issue. If they can't the man get away, imagine letting a woman and girl escape............. Teresa....... No.... I can't get involved.

Tere & Luna : NO!

Luna: Guero said you'd help us. He said ," bring him the book and Trade it for your and your sisters life." , He said that

I Told him, closely on the verge of tears. pleading for him to help us but once he was ready to respond to what I just told him. He gently touch me like a father and gave me a big strong kiss on my forehead before he was about to tell me something horrible and unfare.

Don Epifanio: I'm sorry, mi nina

Luna: No i said when he let go of me and slowly fell to the floor to cry but tere had a different idea

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