Chapter 17

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Luna's Pov

Once we got to Eric's house, James park where no one can see the car and started getting his gun ready and then he decides to give me my gun, I guess this whole time he had it. We hid behind some bushes andJames pressed the button for the birds to start going crazy in order to make Eric come out, since the birds are like his babies. But once he did James shot him. But we know that he still alive, so we aproached him.  James pressed on the button again but this time it was to shut the birds up. But once he did, Eric looked a him and he wasn't happy.But he only got to speak few threathing  words before I  shot him clear in head. But when I did, James just gives me a questionable yet smirking look.

"What's with that look?" I asked him

"I don't know what your talking about Luna." he says as he bents down to Eric.

"For the first time ever I'm gonna let that one slide since we make a good team together."

But after saying that he turns to look at me with the same questionable smirk he just recently gave me, and then it click. He was finally letting me see how he feels about me. So I decide to do something that gonna change things between us even more. I bent done so that I was leveled with him,and then I kissed him.At first he was shocked but then he gave it his all in this kiss. All the feeling he was holding back, he was finally showing me in this kiss. At that moment we honestly  didn't care about the bloody taste we had on our lips. After we broke up our kiss. We just started laughing, that it toke us this long. But it was worth it. We looked back at Eric's body when we noticed at paper in his hands.

"What's this?" I asked James as I picked it up

"I don't know?"

"What do you think he was doing before we killed him"

"I don't know Luna but let's hope it's nothing bad"

And with that we walked away. As we walked backed to the car, I decide to ask James something.

" So where are we off to now?"

"We going to my RV, while we wait for Camilia's new orders."

"Just us two?"

"Yes Luna, Just us two."


As we appraoched the RV. James turns off the car and grabs two black duffle bag from the back .So I get out the car and start  following him. The RV was located near a lake, it so beautiful. James start  walking toward  the RV. Once he opens it, he gives me one of the black duffle bags and to change out of my clothes. So I go inside and change. But when I get back outside, I see that James had started a fire and was burning the evidence. When I reached him, he was just standing there waiting for me. I gave him, my bloody clothing and watched him throw it in the fire.

"So what now?" I  asked James as we watched the fire.

"We wait."

"I know that but what do we do while we wait?"

"I think it time we get some food in our system, mostly yours since your eaching for two"

"Food sounds so good right."

"So what you wanna eat "

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