Chapter 5

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Sorry about updating so late I been very busy. but don't worry in a few days I'll be posting 2 more chapter so enjoy 😊- erika

Luna's Pov

We were walking into this room, and there sat teresa. As we began to enter the room, camilia turned around to talk to james, 

Camilia: I want you to take luna and wait outisde while I talk to  tereasa.         what why doesn't  she want me here. I have every right, Teresa is my sister

Luna: Why can't I stay? I ask, needing to know why she didn't want me present

Camilia: This is between your sister and I. James take outside. Now!

James: Let's go.  mkdgmsdp he said yanking my arm and pulling towards the closes exit, not really giving much chance to walk.

Once we reached outside, James pulled out a cigar and started to smoke, so I decide it was time I finally introduced myself properly to james.

Luna: Hi, Im Luna I said extending my arm to him

James: I know.

Luna: Why are you being such at dick towards me? at this point I got so angry

James: excused me? this outbrust,surprised him

Luna: you heard me.   I smirked

James: what the fuck is your problem? he said now looking face to face with me

Luna: I don't have a problem but you do.

James: Which is?

Luna: why are you a dick to me when I haven't done shit to you

James: Your just a trouble maker like your sister.

Luna:  (slapping him) I'm nothing like her, if you haven't notice. I for one haven't escaped or tried to. Nor have i attack or threaten to kill anymore

but before james had a chance to answer, because James here yelling . This caused him to run inside and I followed after him

We walked inside to where Camilia and Teresa were. I saw camilia's men grabbing teresa abnd slamming her onto the table. I need to help her. What is Camilia gonna do to her. I was gonna run to help her but James grabbed me before I had the chance, knowing that if I saw her like that, that it was more likely for me to try and help her. Like I always do. I  watched as they were about to injected her with a needle. I can't just stand here and watch but then again I had no choice because the asshole of james was holding me back.

Luna: TERESA  I yelled towards her knowing that I didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Teresa : No . Stop!  i heard her shouted, trying to fight the guys holding her down but camilia made them stop so she can ask tere something .

Camilia: Do you remember something now? Something you did to Epifanio? Together with your boyfriend and Sister? Or Maybe I should start toturing your baby sister. I heard her whisper to teresa

Teresa: No, Please leave her out of this.She doesn't know anything. she pleaded looking right at me but Camilia didn't care as she started to walk away. but teresa wasn't done speaking to her.

Teresa : Wait she yelled to camilia, making her stop in her tracks  I can be more for you making camilia turn around. I'll deliver  the drugs. what is she crazy, why would she say that I heard what you said. I'll deliver the drugs  that the mule didn't

Camilia: Well, if you heard us, you know there's problems with the balloons. no no no she can't do this she might die

Luna: No tere, you can't do this. You might die.

Teresa: Luna, shut up. this isn't your problem

Camilia: Listen to your sister teresa, she know what shes talking about. Do you really want to take the chance to kill yourself and leave your sister all alone for Epfanio to kill himself?

Teresa: I said I'll do it

Luna: Tere, please don't do this. i plead to her, begging her not to do this

Teresa: Luna, I know what I'm doing. Just trust me

Luna: Okay. i have to trust her on this


James's Pov

I can't let camilia agree to this. It idiotic, she going to die either way, but camilia doesn't understand. I need her to change her mind.

Camilia: Get her prepped 

James: what's the point? She'll just die too.

Camilia: Don't worry about her, better her than the girl you spent months training.

James: I don't care about her, I care about getting those drugs to Han. But if she dies first, What's the point?

Camilia: You hired a  chemist you shouldn't have, not me. So you don't have another choice but to driver faster, nowm do you? Han is an important client. He gets his shipment,and you .You can take comfort in knowing you had no choice.  she said and started to leave but what about her annoying brat of a sister 

James: What about the sister i said to her waiting for her to turn around but never did

Camilia: Take care of her, she's not much trouble like teresa. she said as she continued to walk away, ugh I don't have a good feeling about both of them. I give up on trying to convinced Camilia and started to walk to the other room.


James: Look at me getting ready to take  her picture, You're gonna need a passport. I said talking the camera to Juan and then went back to watch Teresa. She began to put the bags into her mouth. I look to my right and see her sister, luna. She had her face written in worry, knowing that is might go wrong, aleast she understood what I was trying to tell camilia earlier. I was complete wrong about her, She nothing like a teresa and I was stupid enough to judge her based of the experince with I had this morning with her sister .Seventeen  I started counting to how many bags she has put in her mouth and continued intill she reached 33 bags of coke.


James: Don't drink or eat anything else untill they come up, okay?The plane leaves in about 40 mintues, do you understand. they can dissolve before then.  she has to know that is serious, that there isn't time to waste. this is a serious issue. It's about life and death but as were start to leave, I fell someone grab my arm. I turn around to see who it is. It was luna

Luna: James

James: Yeah?

Luna: Whatever happens, Please don't let her die. she asked me with so much worry in her eyes but she had to know that I don't want her sister to die even if i don't like her

James: I Promise

Luna: Thank you

James: Luna? i knew that i had to apolgize about earlier

Luna: Yeah?

James: I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to be a jerk and judge you off your sisters actions

Luna: It's okay, I understand. You don't know me. You were being cautious. and with that she walked away. She was saiding goodbye to her sister and then left with camilia. I was complete wrong about this girl. She so beautiful and Nice. She to innocent to be involved into this. Knowing that in the end, she will ended up corrupted like the rest of us. but hopefully she doesn't she derserves much more than this life.

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