Chapter 2

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Luna's Pov

I know that a lot of you hear the world "cartel" and think drugs and guns, but for me , being with my sister and her boyfriend and his cusins was the first time i felt connected with people. On our first christmas as a family. Guero tooks us to meet his godfather, Don epifanio, the head of the cartel. I knew that meant something.

as I walked behind teresa and Guero not really looking where I was going , i accidently ran into someone

Luna:  Perdon. Perdoname.

Right after saying that another man came up to us to stand next to the man i just bumped into. Talking directly to Guero and his cousin

Random guy to guero and his cousin : Don Epifanio and Batman are asking for you Guero. And You,too, cabron.

After saying that guero look at his cousin and then told teresa he been gone for like a minute and then turned to me and told me not to get lost and to keep a good eye on teresa. He didn't have to tell me, i already knew what i have to do . as we watched as they left. brenda started dragging us everywhere intill she need to go to the restroom. Which meant going into the house.

Brenda: Tere, Luna, look at this place. It looks like a castle. Ugh. I want to live here.

Luna: Oh My God, Same Brenda

Tere: Luna don't encourage her. Um.... Maybe we ahould go back to the party. I don't like snooping around.

Luna: Omg Tere, Just relax, we are looking for the restroom. But doesn't mean we can't look around. I began to wonder more so i get ahead of them while brenda knocks some sense into my sister

Brenda: Tere, your sister is right cabrona. Rich people like when people snoop around in their house. Don't worry about i-

accidently cutting brenda's talking i see the most beautifuls shoes i have even seen.

Luna: Omg brenda look at those shoes.

once brenda sees them too she starts running towards them, like when a little kid sees a new toy they want, but in this case, it's shoes

Brenda: Oh, they're just sitting here.

Luna: If there's a size 7 and 1/2, I call dibs, Brenda

As brenda and I start looking for our shoe size, tere was getting slightly annoy that we were snooping so we stopping looking at the shoes and went to go search for the restroom one again. We told tere to keep an eye out while we use the restroom. Tere can be a buzz kill sometimes. Once we got out tere wasn't were we left her. Ugh what a hyprocrite, telling us that we can't snoop but shes the one doing it.


Guero moved up the ranks of the cartel fast. We were happy. The three of us.

Once we got home, tere was too busy on the phone, gossping with brenda. That guero was finally home. So instead of interrupting her. I went to go hug guero while tere remain on the phone unaware that he was waiting for her to turn around. After our hug, guero told me to please go up to my room that he need to talk to teresa about something important.


A few days later he asked teresa and I to go upstairs to the roof for a talk, so we went as told.

Guero : I don't know what's going on. I don't know where this is gonna end, but I want the two of you to be prepared. right after saying that he takes out a phone from the bag, that was currently beside him. and look at us, ready to explain. Okay, a ver... if this every rings, it's cause i'm dead. And both of yall got to run to a safe house. Yall are gonna have money and gonna have blow to trade if needed, Okay? also with two fake passports. All right? Okay.

i literally didn't know what to say, because inside I was scared of what might happened. but then he takes out a notebook and says.

Guero: All right, you take this notebook, and you take it to Don Epifanio, and trade both of your lifes for it. All right? And Don't trust Batman. Go to Don Epifanio.

Tere: What's in it?

Guero: You don't wanna know. All right, I mean it. Just... just don't read it, okay? And that includes you too Luna

he said while looking directly at him

Luna: Ughhh okay.
Tere: Okay.


I was in my room sleeping , when it all happened. teresa came screaming my name telling me to get up and follow her. Once we were out the door, she finally told me what was going on. guero is dead. so we did as guero told us , if anything were to happened to him. So we ran. We ran to brenda's house because Tere knew that guero's co
usin Chino was next, so we ran. while tere was on the phone with brenda, telling her to get tony and get out the house now and that people were coming to kill them. Tere manage to get inside the house to help brenda while I started the car. Once everyone was in the car, the guys who came to kill chino began to shoot at us and started to follow us. Tere was mostly focus on getting us to the safe house. When out of nowhere we get corned and so we have to get out the car. But once we got out the car it exploded. I ran with tere, trying to find a place to hide but nobody wanted to help us.

We arrived at the safe house with brenda and Tony, but Brenda was right the safe house wasn't safe like guero said it will be.

Two guys came in. They began to ask questions, and I being the smart mouth I always am. I called one of the guys an asshole. So he hit me and threw me to te other guy while the one who hit me began to raped my sister. He told me that I will be next but I know that I can't let that happened and out of nowhere , Tere has a gun and kills the guy and points the gun to the other guy. then we make our great escape to find Don Epifanio.

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