Chapter 4

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Luna's Pov

wake up! hey

I hear someone yell. The moment I opened my eyes a lady was looking down at me, yelling at me in spanish. Telling me that it was time to get up and threw me a sandwich. I woke up alone, teresa wasn't beside me. She was trying to talking to one of camilia's worker but he ended up hitting her with the gun he was using. That cause tere to fall down on this girl stuff. I wanted to go help my sister but the girl was super pissed and before I even had the chance to go talk to teresa. A man came inside and told me to follow him that Camilia wanted to talked to me alone. So I followed.

Once we reacted camilia's office. The door immediately opens, And handsome man comes running out. I was frozed by his beauty. He looked like something you see in a fairy tale. You know about the princes in those fairy tales stories, like the bad guy in the movies tangled. Yeah like a Flint Rider. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach. I've never felt like this in my entire life. Camilia interrupted my daydreaming.

Sorry about James, we just recieved some bad new. She said as she walked up to me and began to lead me to the couch to talk. You're wondering on why I sent for you. Well you see, I need someone to join me to a my goddaughter's quince. she said.

I'll love to go but I don't have a dress. I told her looking shyly at my lap. but why would she invite me and not teresa. Does she trust me?

That's not going to be a problem luna. My men will take you to the a room where you can get ready. she said to me but this time she stood up and went to get her phone from her desk. As I was gonna leave the room, I had to ask about tere.

Camilia? she looked up at me, kinda surprise and answered me with a simple Yes.

What's gonna happen to my sister? Why didn't you ask her instead of me? I asked her, knowing that i have her full attention.

Teresa is running some errands for me at this time and I had more trust for you more than you sister. she said while now walking towards me. Now go get ready, We wouldn't want to be late. I nod , knowing she was right and that it was my queue to leave.

 I nod , knowing she was right and that it was my queue to leave

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The room camilia sent me to was so magical. I have never seen a beautiful room like this



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It toke me bout an hour to get ready. I was wearing a beautiful lavender dress. I was doing some final touches to my hair when camilia scared me, I was to busy focusing on my hair that I didn't hear her come in.

Are you ready mija? she said walking up to me, grabbing my hands. Like a mother woild grab her daughter. Does she see me as a daughter?

Yes, i'm ready. i respond

Okay let's get going. She said leading us out the room and toward her car.

during our way to the quince, camilia explained to me, what was going on with my sister and how things are going to change. That we both now work for her and we had to do as were told. She still has issues trusting teresa. Camilia also told me, that she has a daughter who was younger than me. Her name is isabella and she was currently in mexico with her father. That explain alot on how nice and motherly she was acting towards me. She asked me about my parents.

Tell me about your parents luna? she asked me, I looked out the window when I gave her a response. I don't remember my parents much, and when I asked teresa about them. She will always get so emotional and tells me to stop asking about the people who never really gave a shit about us. I said to her, making sure she didn't see me cry. It pains me to talk about them even if I don't know nothing about them.

Luna, look at me, camilia grabbed my cheek and told me. I want you to never show your weakness. Everything is going to be different now. Now let's go and have some fun at this quince. When we got out the car, camilia gave me a great bear hug and told me that everything is going to be okay and she was going to protect me .

We walked in to the ballroom. I followed behind camilia, i stood behind her when she greated everyone. She introduce me as her niece. Once we sat down, camilia was so enchanted with the idea of her daughter's quince . I can tell she getting quiet emotional about it. so i decide to get her mind of it.

She so beautiful i said very quietly so only camilia can hear.

Yes, Yes she is. Luna did get a fifteen? she said me while remaining to look at her goddaughter but before I could answer we had to leave because of an emergancy with teresa.


When we got to her warehouse, were I was earlier. When we entered I saw the same handsome prince, James. He was waiting for us at the door. Camilia toke the time to introduce us this time.

James, I like you to me Luna, Teresa's younger sister. she told him, which made him look at him but before I could tell him hello or anything. Another one, she better not be like her sister. he told camilia loud enough for me to hear and to be honest that pissed me off But Camilia told him different and stood up for me. then started talking business. I walked behind them while we walked but I remain quiet the whole walk.

Camilia: how many have we lost?

James: Two bags.

Camilia:Why do they keep bursting?

James: It's the new chemist.

Guy at the door : He still doesn't know what's happening, you know

Camilia: Why are you calling him the new chemist? He's the old chemist now and she turned to look at james and since you found him, you tell him. Han's plane is leaving soon. Have you thought of a way of delivering to him she said now speaking to everyone in the room.

Guy at the door: No, not yet camilia was dissapointed with his response and started to walk more forward I mean, this basically happened now.

James: let's figure it out . Fast said as he followed behind us.

Guy at the door: Yeah

we reach a room, and notice teresa was there. she saw that I also entered the room and immendiately had guilt writtened over her face. The fact that she was going to run without me. She was going to leave me here.


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