Chapter 10

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Luna's Pov

{ dreaming }

>> It was a bright sunny day when I woke that day. I was getting ready to get out the bed when I notice that I wasn't in my room, and then I came to realise that I'm not probably not at home. So where was I, I was getting ready to jump out the bed and get out of here. But gotten startled by someone coming opening the door. Once that person came into the room that I was currently in, I can see that it's a man. He looks very familiar. But who is he. He walks into the room and goes straight to the closet. I was facing his back the whole time, so I decide to fake sleep til he left the room. But I spoke to soon. The man, he was getting closer to the bed. At first I thought he was gonna lay down with me but instead he sat in the corner near my feet and gentle started to shake me awake, and keeps telling me "Baby, It time to wake up " over and over in til I opened my eyes.But once I opened my eyes and I finally saw the man, and I was complete shocked on who it is. I can't believe it. it just can't be him, It's. It's James. No it can't be.

J: Honey are you feeling okay

L: Um yeah. Sorry I didn't sleep well last night.

J: Figures, you fell asleep so late last night.

L: Really, I don't remember.

J: That so funny, Teresa said the same thing when she left this morning.

L: Teresa left this morning?

J: Yeah, She had to get ready for the wedding

L: Wedding?

J: Yeah Her's and Guero's wedding? Luna are you sure you okay? did you drink or do drugs last night ?

L: ( I don't know how to answer him because trust be told I don't remeber anything ) I just really tired and exhausted, and you know I don't do drugs and I hate drink alcohol.

J : Okay good. ( then he got up and moved to lay down beside me. )

L: Yeah now I have to get up and get ready for the wedding ( I was about to get out the bed but James stopped me )

J: Not so fast luna.

L: James, I have to get reaady.

J: I know but I wanna talk to the baby first and then you can get dressed . ( Baby what baby? He pulls off my covers and then I see it. I'm pregnant!!! I look at least 4 or 5 months pregnant. How come I didn't notice it sooner. But I was to caught up ) <<

{ awaking up}

What the heck. Why was I dreaming about James? I was having his baby. Why was I having his baby. Am I in love with him. No. I can't be. I barely know the guy. I just might have a crush on him, it's not love. But if it isn't love then why did I have a dream that I was having his kid. I was too busy thinking about my dream that I haven't notice Camilia knocking on my door.

C: Luna it's time to go

L: I'm going. I'm just looking for my shoes.

C: Okay hurry up, I'll be downstairs talking to James.

L: Okay I'll be down in 5 minutes

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Minutes later--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

L: So what the mission of the day today?

J: What do you mean?

L: I mean what are we doing today, Speaking business- wise.

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