28: Anorexia

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28: Anorexia

    Something the movies do get right is waking up to the sound of a dull and slow 'beep, beep, beep.' But it didn't last for that long. I heard five beeps and then began to panic when I didn't recognize my surroundings. Luke heard me let out a whine and jumped to my side from where, I don't know. He called a nurse, his voice loud and deep.

        "How are you, sweetie?" He murmured. I groaned.

    "Would've been a lot better if I hadn't woken up to see you." I grumbled. His face didn't harden like I expected it to. He took a deep breath.

        "I guess this is your chance to finally expose me."  He winked at me as if he wasn't worried at all. I didn't understand. Did he know that kidnappers go to jail? The doctor walked in and Luke stood up, backed up, shoved his hands in his pockets, and stared at me. I was about to blurt out everything to the doctor but for some reason I didn't. I just sat there. He smiled glumly at me before talking.

    "Let's cut to it." He decided. "You had all these symptoms because you haven't been properly nourished for days. You had just over the minimal amount of water in your system and definitely not enough food." I didn't want the doctor to spill my secret. I wanted him to stop there. But he kept going. "I can see there were attempts to feed her." He glanced at Luke sympathetically. And then he looked at me. "But I can also see that you've been throwing it all up. And not for natural reasons." I silently urged him to stop but he didn't notice the plea in my eyes. He looked to Luke. "Sir, your daughter has a case of anorexia." Luke's arms were crossed. I was too distraught that the doctor actually said it to pay much attention to the fact that he called me Luke's daughter. "Mr. Rose, we'll send home some medication and we need you to work with her for a while. We'll call you around the time we need you to come in for a check - up. We don't want something like that happening again. That was a close call." He looked at me sternly and I shrunk away from both men's stare.

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