Chapter 8

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Alaa POV*

( - 8 months later - )

8 moths ago I found out I was pregnant . 6 months ago I dropped out of school from my belly showing . 5 months ago I found out I was having a baby boy .

Me Jovana Matthew and Nash discussed and agreed that me and Jovana won't be doing anything that involves the paparazzi .

"Baby boy , wow this is amazing" Matthew said , were on FaceTime and I just told him about having a baby boy .

Matthew and the boys have been on magcon tour a lot now so all we do is FaceTime .

"We have to think of names Matt , you know some women go into labor early"
I say

" yea your right , what about josh ?"

"To plain"

"Lukas ?"


"Tyler ?"

Hmm Tyler Espenoza ? Nah to weird.

"Nope next"


"Alexander !!! that's perfect for Alexander Espenoza !!!"

"I like it to , listen babe I got to go , love you bye 😘"he says

"Love you to bye 😘" I say while ending the call.

After that all the girls comes to me and Jovana's house for a day at the spa.

Vanessa and Aralyz has been really worried because Shawn and Cameron has been seen with girls in pictures , there ether hugging or kissing the girls cheek.

"Why can't they be faithful like Nash or Matthew !? We'll Matthew has to be he's having a baby" Vanessa says

She's right . does he even want this baby ?

"He doesn't have to be the father I mean it's technically not hi-"

"Be quiet , he took the role on being the father of your baby because the real father is a asshole . And when you take that role you need to stop doing teenager things - bad stuff - so you can be a good role model to your child , he loves you" Aralyz cuts me off

She's right , we get all of our stuff and head to the spa .

We get into the car and bump to one direction 😍 soon were already at the spa

I walk into the place and got to the counter where the receptionist looks at me in a bad way. I guess being pregnant is bad ...

Before I could say anything Jovana and Aralyz cut me off.

" I don't know who your looking at like that , you need to go . ya don't know her story so fuck off . bitch ." Jovana starts.

"You fuck yourself , cause your to ugly to get dick . Whore " Aralyz finishes.

She stays quiet and leads us to the sauna . I smile at my best friends☺️

We get our nails done , toe nails done , hair done , and massages done . then we go home . me and Jovana go into a different car while Aralyz and Vanessa go into another car .

We get home , get ready for bed , and then I go to bed (lol)

Vanessa POV*

I get home after being dropped off from Aralyz , I shower a little before getting something to eat . My phone vibrates and I look at it . Cameron !!

V - " Hello ?"

C - " Hey ba-aby"

V - " Cameron your drunk what happen"

C - " I need to te-ll you something th-at might uppse-t you "

V - " um okay tell me"

C- " I cheated on you"

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