Chapter 15

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"Do you guys know each other ?" Nash asked angry . Angry ?

"Umm no I see her ok magazines and stuff" Isaiah easily lies .

Ethan nods to , he's so shy . Faggot .

Nash still doesn't believe the lie but sits next to me and puts his arm around my waist . Shawn sits next to Aralyz and kisses her cheeks . The newbies look at the boys with envy .

"We'll I should tell you guys that were all dating , but couples not all together lol but it's me and Nash , Shawn and Aralyz , Vanessa and Cameron , and alaa and Matthew" I explained .

They looked up at at Nash and Shawn and smiled at them , weird .

The boys kept there own private conversation while me and the girls had our own talking about the newbies .

"What do you think they'll do ?" Vanessa asks.

"They will do anything to cause a bad scene , like they will tell our boyfriends a lie so we can breakup " I explain .

It's true , after me and Isaiah broke up few months later I was talking to another guy but Isaiah said I was getting him for attention .

"We can't let them do that" Alaa says .

We all nod in a agreement .

"We need to keep a good eye out on them" I say .

"Yeah , but you need to tell Nash and Shawn so they now ." Vanessa says .

I bit my lip in nervousness , what would they think ? They'll be mad since we didn't tell them . Then they gonna get mad at the newbies . 😩 the struggle .

We soon got home , me and Aralyz bring Shawn and Nash in a private room .

"What's wrong ?" Nash asks protectively

"We'll there's something you need to know" I say .

"What is it" Shawn asks .

"We'll umm ... Isaiah and Ethan are our ex boyfriends ..." I say quietly .

"Wanna say that a little louder" Nash says angrily . I knew it .

"Look I know your mad it's just I didn't know they were gon-" I was cut off by Nash .

"Mad ? I'm pissed the fuck off that I have to work with someone that dated you and was with you before me ! What happens if you were working with my ex girlfriend !?" Nash screams .

I flinch . He never yells like that .

"We'll imma obviously beat the bitch up" I say sarcastically .

He half smiles but he still is angry .

"I'm gonna have to talk to him you know ?" He says .

"No ! Don't it's gonna make things awkward just call him in here and we'll explain to not do anything" I say .

He looks un easy but agrees and goes and gets him .

Shawn and Aralyz are on the other side of the room and are talking and surprisingly looks calm . Again , weird .

Nash comes back a few seconds later with Isaiah and Ethan behind him .

"Go over there with Shawn and you stay with me" Nash directs Ethan to Shawn and Isaiah to stay here .

This is the most awkward eat conversations ever , my boyfriend and exboyfriend .

"Jovana here tells me you guys dated ? Right Kay we'll I'm warning you this once that if you lay a finger on her or flirt with her I will rip you tongue out k !?" Nash threatened Isaiah .

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