Chapter 9

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Vanessa POV*

I'm in shock . He cheated on me , what am I suppose to do ?

I quickly call Jovana , Aralyz and Alaa and tell them to come to my house.

They came about 10 minuets later , seeing me in tears .

"What happen ?!! Did Cameron do something ! I swear I'll cut his dick off" Jovana stated confidently

They all agreed on what she just said .

"He calls me and says I need to tell you something that I cheated on you ! Why would he do this to me !?" I say though tears.

They all stand there processing what I just said. im still thinking what I should do . Was it really his fault ? Or his drunk self ?

"How did this happen?" Alaa asks

"He was drunk"

They roll there eyes , I did to.

"I can't believe he did that , was it a kiss , makeout, hookup , or one night stand ?" Aralyz wonders .

"I don't know he called and said that then I hung up then called you guys . What am I going to do !?" I say.

Jovana says something about calling Nash but I don't pay attention , I just sit and cry.

Jovana POV*

I tell Vanessa I'm gonna call Nash.

N - "hey babe what's up"

J - "Where's Cameron , I need to talk to him"

N - " You sound angry so I'm not gonna ask , but here he is ,

C -(on Nash's phone) "Hey Jovana"

J - " don't fucking hey Jovana me , why did you cheat on Vanessa"

C - " oh she told you it's better if I told you in person. I'll drive to her house . see ya later"

I hang up the call and go back to the girls.

"He said there gonna drive here and tell us why he that to Vanessa." I say

In the meantime we set up blankets all over the living room floor and put pillows surrounding us , we out movies in the tv and get out the 'secret box'

We do each other's hair and make up. Were trying to make Vanessa happy again . but once I see Cameron I'm gonna kill him.

A long 2 hours later they show up . Cameron , Nash , Shawn , and Matthew all walk through the door with guilty faces .

Matthew goes to Alaa making sure her and the baby is ok , Nash comes to me and hugs my protectively , Shawn goes to Aralyz and kisses her . while Cameron just sits there like nothing .

"We'll explain dummy " I say

"Oh ok umm Vanessa you know I love you so much , from the moment I met I couldn't keep my eyes off of you . You make me smile everyday , you not only my girlfriend but my princess . When I'm angry or pissed your there to make me happy again . that girl I had cheated you on with ? She's a bitch , she's nothing compared to you . your loyal and loving . I was drunk and stupid and she came on to me . Even Nash told her to fuck off but she kept giving me drink and stuff . but Vanessa I love you and only you" Cameron says after a long speech

"You hurt me bad Cameron . I gave you my trust but you just played me , I gave you my heart but you ripped it and crushed it . how can I forgive you after what you've done !?" Vanessa states .

I signal everybody to leave then some privacy , we go to the guest room .

Vanessa POV*

"I don't expect you to forgive me that fast but just give me another chance at least to prove that I can change" he says

"Change !?? So you did this before with your other exs ? You got one chance and you blew it . it's gonna a long time for you to gain my trust back !" I yell

"But I love you ! do you not understand that at all !?" he yells back

"Why are YOU yelling at me , you the one who can't keep his dick in his pants . Have you ever thought of me when she was giving you those drinks !?"

"I think about everyday ! she's nothing to me ! Do you understand that ! My gosh you girls are so annoying ! " he yells throwing stuff .

"I'm annoying !? I'm protecting my self from assholes like you ! I can't believe you think we do this for fun . She's nothing to you ?! She was something to you when you guys had sex !" I scream.

"You think we had sex ?" He asks calmly

"We'll yea you said you cheated on me" I say

"No all we did was make out I didn't get into her pants , she's like another Miley Cyrus" he says

I giggled . Even tho I'm super angry at him , he can make me laugh

"Can you please forgive m-"

Cameron was cut off by everyone screaming ? What the hell ?

"You take her to the hospital !" I hear Jovana scream.

"I can't believe this is happening" I hear Matthew sobbing.

Next I see Matthew and Jovana carring Alaa out of the room.

"Her water broke !" Jovana informs me.


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