Chapter 16

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Aralyz POV*

Me and Shawn are in a middle of a talk about Ethan . He's mad I can tell but won't show it to me .

From the other corner of the room I see Nash and Jovana yelling at each other , she will never let a boy yell at her and get away with it .

Few minutes later Ethan came walking in and Nash told him to come with us .

"Hey" Ethan told us .

"Hi , let me get things straight , this is my girlfriend not yours ok !? I don't want you to be around her at all" Shawn tells him sternly .

Ethan nods and leaves the room .

Jovana then storms out of the room and I texted her where she is .

She told me to go the back of the building , she wants to leave .

I grab my things and meet her out back , she sees me and we walk to the car .

At first it was really quiet in the car but then we went to dunkin donuts and Jovana instantly was in a good mood .

1 new message from , Shawn

"Hey babe I'm sorry for flipping out about Ethan and everything I love you"

"Shawn texted he said he's sorry for flipping out" I say . He didn't ask where I was , me must think we need time alone .

Jovana nods and looks down at her phone . No messages . She sighs and pays attention to the road .

Soon we get to the hotel and right when we walk in Nash has like steam coming out of her ears .

"Where the fuck have you been ? It's been 3 and half hours !??" Nash yells

Me and Shawn look at each other and leave to our own hotel room .

"I'm really sorry for what happen , I don't usually flip out like that" Shawn apologizes again when we walk into the room .

"It's alright , your my boyfriend so you protect me . Your doing your job" I reassure him .

"I bet Jovana and Nash are in a fight right now" he laughs .

I instantly get a message from Jovana about meeting me at the pool in 10 .

"Shawn I have to go Jovana wants me to meet her at the pool" I tell Shawn and grab my bag and walk to the pool .

5 min later I get to the pool doors and see Isaiah walking out . What is he doing here ?

I open the doors and see Jovana sitting at the pool edge with tears coming out of her eyes .

"What happen !?" I ask .

"Isaiah was like I like us as a couple and I said we were shit and then he kissed me . What happens if Nash found out" Jovana kept sobbing .

She really cares for Nash but he basically yelled at her face for nothing .

Jack (gilinsky) POV*

Being in magcon is really fun and exciting . But there's one I really like , she's so pretty but she's with somebody .

Jovana 😩 she's with Nash . She doesn't know but Nash has been with many other girls I'm afraid her heart will break .

Were pretty good friends I guess , Nash won't let her be , he really likes her and she really likes him .

I had to come to Paris and talk with the rest of the magcon group for more ideas . When I saw Jovana and Aralyz walking and Jovana crying .

"Hey what happen ?" I ask to Jovana .

"It's nothing"Jovana simply says cheering up .

I pass Isaiah on the WAY and he looks nervous .

"Hey you alright ?" I ask another question .

"I kissed her and she's dating Nash , I'm gonna get my tongue ripped off !!" Isaiah says scared .

I look at him dead in the eye and push him against the wall .

"You did what ?!" I yell .

Before he could answer Nash separated us .

"Guys guys stop , Jack go to your hotel room and Isaiah go to Ethan . Now " he orders us .

"Nash I need to speak with you" I say .

He nods and we walk to his hotel room , I will have to see Jovana .

Jovana POV*

Nash and Jack came stomping into the room and has a angry face on .

"What happen Nash ?" I ask .

Nash gives me a look and turn toward Jack .

"What were you going to say ?" Nash asks , since when was he so angry

"Isaiah was walking and looked nervous and I asked what happen and he said that I kissed her even tho she's dating Nash ..." Jack explains .

Nash looked like he was going to kill everybody . He looks at me .

"YOU DID WHAT !?" He screams at me.

"It's not what you think Nash I was at the pool and he was there and I moved away from him but he grabbed me and kissed me" I search for words .

"You let him kiss you ! Really Jovana ??" Nash says not convinced .

I start to tear up , why is he yelling at me so much ?

"Nash please believe me I would never cheat on you" I sob .

"You kissed him back didn't you ? How could you !?" He yells .

"Nash he kissed me!! I did not kiss him back I got up and let" I grab onto his arm .

He shoves my arm off , takes his jacket and leaves . I was left there sobbing in front of Jack who was quiet the whole time . He rushed over to my side and held me while I cry .

"Do you guys fight like this all the time ?" He asked me .

I shake my head no , un able to use my voice .

It must have even hours of me crying because it was already night time .

"I gotta go , Nash wouldn't like it if I stay the night ." he got up and left .

I will my self to take a shower , I must look like a panda with mascara running down my face .

And I was right ! My hair is all over the place and mascara on my cheeks with tear stains .

I take a 2 hour shower , long I know but I had to think .

I get out , comb my hair and put it in a messy bun and put in my undergarments with Nash's over sized t-shirt he left here .

And went to bed alone

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