Chapter 17

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Nash POV*

Me , Carter , Hayes , and Cameron left magcon few weeks ago , a lot of things were happening and with the rough break up of Cameron and Vanessa , he choosed the idea of leaving magcon . He's my best friend , I support him through everything .

I'm still pretty pissed at Jovana for kissing Isaiah . She's not even looking at me , if she did , it's a hard glare .

"You dazed out again" Cameron told me .

For the past few days I keep dazing out , I wanna apologize for what I did to Jovana but she needs to say sorry to me .

"Yeah sorry man just a lot on my mind" I tell him .

Shawn POV*

Currently me and Aralyz are on the plain to visit Jovana and the rest for a weekly visit , it was hard separating them .

"I hope she's okay with him , he made her really upset ." Aralyz tells me , I instantly know she's talking about Jovana and Nash .

"They were holding hands but they had no emotion on their faces" I inform her .

"I can't believe they left , it's not the same without Them" She says , sadly .

She's right , it's not as fun without Cameron , not stupid with Nash and not cool with Jovana . Everything is full without them .

Should we join them ? And tell the rest to ? We wouldn't technically be split up , we would be the same but different name ! That sounds like a good idea .

"What about we join them ? Me you Matthew alaa Emilija jack g and jack j , and the rest , we could all be together and not visiting each other every weekend" I ask her .

She bites her lip and looks down nervously , please say yes !

"Maybe , but I don't know what the manager would say , them leaving hit them hard and now us ? I would feel bad" she told me .

"Hey , hey , remember when they let Isaiah and Ethan join ? They knew the connection you guys had with them but let it slide , it was wrong for them and were just getting back at them."

She answers with a shrug and puts her headphones in and plays her music , I sit back and late down for the next 3 hour plane ride . Oh joy (sarcastic)

~~ 3 1/2 hours laterrr(at da house🏡)~

Aralyz POV*

Me and Shawn are in the car right now driving to see Jovana , it's been almost a week without her . I miss my best friend !

I wonder if she's changed , it's been about 2 weeks since I last seen her , anybody can change in 2 weeks ,

Plus she did tell me that she wants to change the color of her ends to a blue or a purple , ether dying her ends or dying her hair black . She always wanted to dye her hair black .

Me and Shawn pull up into a medium sized house with a happy Cameron standing in front .

"Hey guys ! Come inside !" He tells us cheerfully .

Odd .

I walk in on seeking Jovana fix herself in the mirror , she did change !

Her hair is not long as her waist and not burgundy ends , it's now at the middle if her back with black hair and a mixture of purple and blue . Perfect !

She turn around with a. Surprise look on her face .

"ARALYZ !!" She screams in my ear .

I ugh her back reallly tight . Putting 2 weeks of hugging in it to .

She pulls me into there living room , and sits down and talks to me ,

"So many things happen in the last 2 weeks it's hard to explain" she tells me.

"What happen ?" I ask

"Me and Nash are not even talking to each other anymore , I'm wondering if he still considers me his girlfriend , Cameron is all moody like girls on there period but he's getting better , were getting closer and he's like a brother to me , oh ! And my brother Xavier has finally got a girlfriend , it took a long time , and I changed my new look , I hope Nash had noticed me but he hadn't said anything , and when me and Cameron were doing the online school thing , were graduating in 1 week" She informed me .

Graduation . Shit .

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