An Ezria Pregnancy

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It's been officially a month since I became Mrs. Ezra Ian Fitz and I'm loving every second of it. However, when I woke up today, I immediately ran to the bathroom, throwing up almost everything I had for dinner last night. Ezra came running in after me and held my hair back and rubbed my back to calm me down. After a horrendous 15 minutes, I got up and washed my face. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but this continued for about another 3 days before I came to realize that I may be pregnant. It was about 4:30 in the evening when Ezra came home. I told him about how bad my morning sickness was getting and I told him that I think I might be pregnant. But before we got our hopes up, Ezra and I drove to a local drug store and we picked up a pregnancy test.


Aria has been throwing up every morning for almost a week now and I started to worry about her. While I was grading some papers, I couldn't stop thinking about why she was throwing up every morning until it came to my mind that she might be pregnant. When I got home, Aria and I were talking about how we think she might be pregnant, so we went to the drug store to pick up a pregnancy test. When we got home, Aria immediately went to the bathroom and took the test. I was so nervous as to see what the outcome would be. It literally seemed like forever until Aria stepped out of the bathroom with a huge smile on her face. She said "Ezra, I'm pregnant!" I was so happy about this I ran over to her and picked her up and kissed her.


When we got home, I went to the bathroom with my test. I peed on the stick and waited for about five minutes. When the test beeped, I looked at it and it said positive. I ran out of the bathroom and told Ezra and he ran towards me picking me up and spinning me around until he put me down and kissed me. I can't wait until my and Ezra's baby comes.


After all the excitement, I had one more thing to tell Aria.

"Aria, can I talk to you for a sec babe?" I said

"Sure, what is it?" She replied.

"Since we are starting our very own family, I've been thinking, we can't raise our child in this small, little apartment... So, I've been thinking and I think that we should go around looking for our future house to raise our babies."

"OH MY GOD!!! Yes!!!! I would love to go around looking for a future home to spend the rest of my life with you and our children, and our grand children, and our great grand children because that's how old we're gonna be, and we're gonna see our babies, grand babies,and future grand babies grow up and have babies of their own!!!"

"Great! Then it's settled, tomorrow, we'll go house hunting for our perfect home to have our perfect life in!"

Hey guys! Thank you again for all the support. 5+ votes and 2 comments for a new chapter. Well, that's it for now... Bye lovelies 😘


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