Moment of weakness

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* At Rosewood High School *

Ezra was working late at school today planning his schedule for next week's class. Ezra was now the chair of the English Department, so he had his own assistant. SHe was a tall blond, around 5'8" and he had beautiful blue eyes, almost like Ezra's. It was about 7 at night and Ezra was about to finish up and get back home to his gorgeous wife. Keira and Ian both went to collage at Hollis, but they lived on campus leaving their parents alone. Right when Ezra was about to get up, his assistant, Analisa, walked in and sat on his desk with her shirt buttoned down so you could see almost half of her breasts.

"Hello, Ezra" Analisa said flirtatiously

"Analisa, listen, I'm married and I love my wife very much and I would never cheat on her...." Ezra was stopped by Analisa kissing him. He tried very hard to back away, but a moment of weakness came and as you knew it, clothes started flying everywhere!" Ezra gave into his moment of weakness, just like Byron did, but he HAD SEX WITH HIS ASSISTANT!!! Byron was only a kiss, but Ezra went all the way!


I was very attracted to Ezra Fitz, so tonight, I surprised him! I came into his classroom and sat on his desk and flaunted my breasts. He started talking about how much he loved his wife and shit, but I shut him up and I rode him hard for about and hour. He seemed to be enjoying it because instead of stopping, he just kept thrusting harder and harder.


I regret what i did so much! I was unfaithful to my wife!


Okay, so here, I made the story mad! Ugh I hate myself so much right now and u guys are probably wondering why I wrote this, and it's because I had no more ideas! Please forgive me!

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