Step 3: Tease him hard

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Sehun: Ouch!
Haerim: Calm down, I didn't even touch it yet!

Bitting his bottom lips hardly, his cheeks turned into a shade of pink as he was quite embarrassed about being know. Haerim was trying so hard to not laugh while treating his small wounds.

Haerim: Haven't tell you my name yet, right Oh Sehun?
Sehun: I know it by your nametag- wait, how do you-
Haerim: A little different with you, I saw your name on one of your books.

It was silence for a while. None of them spoke. Until she finally finished treating his wounds.

Haerim: Okay done! I guess you can walk slowly now. Try standing up.

As he was about to stand from his seat, the pain on his knees stung which made him automaticly sat back down, whining at the same time. She rolled her eyes as she started walking closer back to him.

Haerim: You really love whining, huh?
Sehun: Stop that!

She chuckled at his response and quickly offer her hands.

Haerim: Okay then. Let me help you.

He let their fingers intertwined each other as his heart skip a beat at that very moment. She tried to pull him and when she found he stayed stiffen on his place, she was kind of pissed and yet yell at him.

Haerim: Yah Sehun!

As if the spell that was casted on him broke, he was finally back to the reality world and unconsciously he pulled his hand which made Haerim sat on top of him. Just like in those romantic novels, time went by so slow. But the reality was time actually when like normal. Poor them.

Haerim: Are you seducing me?

Never he had met someone as brave as her to say such things. Quickly, he pushed her away as he tried to hide his redden cheeks.

Sehun: Who would seduce you?
Haerim: There's many okay. You're just blind to let go such cute girl like me.

He scoffed.

Sehun: Cute? More like junk.

He snickered, thinking that he had got her. But he was wrong. Instead, he saw her eyes teared up. Panicking, he quickly got up from the seat and walked to her but still carefully so he wouldn't hurt his leg. He poked her shoulders but she twitched, making him even more anxious.

Sehun: H-hey... I'm sorry. I didn't meant it.

But then she suddenly laugh.

Haerim: "H-hey... I'm sorry. I didn't meant it." You really do scared if you make girls cry.

His face was redden. Mad and embarrassed at the same time.

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