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MJAM: I decided to start over and edit a little. I'll work on the next chapter this weekend but I may not finish it until next weekend. Thanks for reading!


Before it all started, I was nothing more than a broken, black china doll: neglected, lonely, and forgotten. I never believed that I could be fixed, that the empty void inside of me could ever be filled, that I could ever take off my mask and not have depression lingering underneath.

That was before.

In the past month, I experienced how it felt to have my love returned, how it felt to have my heart broken. I found a life I never knew I had, a life I found hard to accept . I realized that dying solved nothing, it only left questions unanswered. I learned that normal was only what you made it, not what society dictates. I was betrayed and saved by someone I trusted with my life. I forgave the same person. I chose to live my life the way I wanted, not the way everyone else thought I should live it.

Most importantly, I was fixed.

I better stop before I spoil the ending.

This is a story of a search for love, for escape, for normal.

This is the story of me.

On the right (in the multimedia section) is a picture of Demie at age 12. >>

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