Chapter 2

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John's P.O.V

When I opened the door I saw a handsome young man with beautiful straight hair. He was wearing some blue ripped up jeans and a red Harry potter jacket. I stood there, staring at the young man."Hello?"The young man said."Hi, sorry my name is John Laurens what's yours." I looked at him, "Alexander Hamilton," *his voice was as beautiful as he was* I thought to myself.

Alex's P.O.V

When I knocked on the door a young man answered it. He was a little taller than me and he had big curly brown hair,and he wore some jeans with a green turtle shirt. I saw the man staring at me with these beautiful eyes*man this guys is hot* I thought to myself. I already knew I was gonna like it here. Since the man was taking a while to talk I spoke up first."Hello?" Then the man finally snapped out of his dream-like state,"Hi, sorry my name is John Laurens what's yours,"then I spoke,"Alexander Hamilton." Laurens told me to come in and put my stuff on the couch for now."Is it just gonna be me and you,or are there more people living with us?"I didn't mind living with just Laurens though, I just wanted to know how much noise and people I would have to put up with."There are two more people,they're probably some where in a corner making out with each other,you don't mind living with three gay guys right?"I was relieved to find out I was living with three gay guys."No, I don't mind I'm actually bi myself" I was really happy now.

John's P.O.V

I was really happy to find out that Alexander was bi, now I had a chance with him.*What if he didn't feel the same way for me*This wouldn't be the first time someone wouldn't feel the same way for me as I did for them."Herc, Laf, our new roommate is here."A loud bang was heard from in the hallway, then Herc and Laf came running up to Alex and hugging him. Jealousy started to rise inside of me, but I knew that Herc and Laf were just trying to be friendly."Bonjour mi nouvou ami, je'mappellle Lafayette."Hercules got all of us in a bear hug and introduced himself as well,"I'm Hercules Mulligan."He soon after let us all go, and Alex took some times to breath."Are you okay?"Alex looked at me, then calmed down,"Yeah I'm fine,im just not used to this much.."Alex stopped talking, grabbed his stuff, and try to find his room.When he did, he closed the door and didn't come out for the rest of the day.

Word Count:469

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