Chapter 18

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Alex's P.O.V

Laf and Herc asked me to tell John to go to the room by the bookcase together. I was very confused, "John?" I walked into the room. He looked at me,"Yes?"
"Why did Herc tell me to get you and both of us go to the room next to the bookcase?" He looked down at his hands. He then got up grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room to the bookcase. "Okay?  Where is the room?" He walked up to the bookcase and I saw a book about Lin Manuel Miranda. He pulled it then the bookcase opened up like a door. "Woah," I said. It was a small room, but big enough for one bed. Laf and Herc were already in here. Making. Out. "Oh boy," John said, they stopped and looked at us. I chuckled a bit,"Is this how we're gonna start this conversation?" They both started to blush. "Why did you call us in here? And why did I not know about this room sooner?" I asked. Herc and Laf both looked at each other then spoke. "We have something we want to tell you guys," Me and John both leaned in to hear. "We've done a lot of thinking, and we think we should move out."

John's P.O.V

If I had water I would've done a spit take right then and there. "WHAT?! Why?" Alex asked them, and overreacting I must say. "Well, first we all have someone we love," Laf intertwined his finger's with Herc's and I intertwined mine with Alex," And we think it would be best if  we all had our own places." We sat in silence for about 3 minutes, then Alex broke the silence. "Well, if you guys really wanna move out we'll fully support you." I turned to Alex and smiled in agreement. "Now, how have I not know about this place?! Did you guys show me before the accident?" We all chuckled,"I was trying to convince John to not tell you about this place." Alex frowned at Herc and we all started to laugh. "Okay, c'mon we'll help you guys pack." We all got out and started to pack their things.

Herc's P.O.V

I was packing up some stuff when I noticed something under the bed. Makeup? What's this doing here. Then Laf walked in and he saw me, he had a scared expression. "W-Where did you get that?!"
"I found it under your bed," I answered. "Are you cheating on me?!" I asked, hoping it would be no.
"NO!" He answered. I was relieved. "It's mine, it's all mine sometimes I like to wear makeup. But in private, I felt like you would leave me for wea-" I cut him off by giving him a soft  kiss. "Babe, it's okay I understand, and don't be silly. I would never leave the greatest person I've ever met for a stupid reason like that." Laf smiled and hugged me," I love you so much Hercules Mulligan." I smiled at him. "Now, I've always wondered how to use makeup, can you help me understand?" We spent the rest of the time sitting down and Laf telling me about how Peggy convinced him to be his model, then he started to like how it felt and how he looked so he kept practicing in private. He taught me how to use contour, eyeshadow, and highlight. Eyeliner was his favorite. I liked seeing him happy and beautiful, it made me feel good. I am so glad that this boy is mine.

Word Count: 600

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