Chapter 21

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Alex's P.O.V

I decided to go out and get some fresh air, before I saw John. I walked quietly to the door opened it. I quickly got out and closed the door behind me.

John's P.O.V

I saw that Alex's bed was empty. Where did he go? No matter, this was the perfect time to start to get everything in place.


Third Person P.O.V

Alex was out for like 3 hours, and he didn't even notice until he checked his phone. No New Messages. He was starting to think that John got bored of him. Maybe that's why he's probably cheating on him. He decided to go back home. When he got to the dorm, he went to his room, and didn't even notice that John wasn't there. He decided to be nice. He looked into the kitchen and he didn't see John, he wasn't in the the bathroom. The living room. Or even the secret room. Then there was a knock at the door. He went to get it, but nobody was there. Alex looked at the door, and there was a note. I opened it:

Follow the rose petals


Alex looked down at the floor. There was a trail of rose petals. 'Oh my gosh, where do these lead' Alex thought. He started to walk, follow the long line of rose petals. He then walked outside and saw a vase with some petals around it. There was another note inside.

Go to the place you walked to after meeting crazy bitch:)


Alex walked to the coffee shop and saw Angelica and Peggy and Maria. "Here you go," Angelica told me. She handed me another note.

Go to the park bro, this is the last note, probably


After saying goodbye to the Schuylers and Maria. He walked all the way to the park. There he saw a very bright little bush. He walked behind it and saw John. All dressed up in a suit and tie, his hair neatly combed back. He walked up to him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. They pulled apart,"What's all this for?" John smiled," Alex, from the moment I met you, I knew you were gonna be special. I love you so much, you are my sun, my moon, and my world. Which is why," John got down on one knee and pulled out a small black velvet box. Opened it, and inside stood a small diamond ring. Alex placed his hands over his mouth. "Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will you idiot." John got up and slipped the ring on Alex's finger and then gave him a kiss. "GUYS HE SAID YES," John yelled as the group came. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Alex said. "Me too," John replied. And from that moment on everything was perfect.

    ~A few years later~

Alex and John had a now 13 year old child named Phillip and a 10 year old daughter named Angie. They were so happy with their new life. "Dads?" Phillip called. Alex and John both came to Phillips room. "Yeah Phillip?" They both sat down on Phillips bed," Can we all take a pic so I can post a picture of my amazing family?" Alex and John both smiled of how proud they were to have a son like Phillip, so happy to have a family like them. They called Angie in and they took a family photo. That photo will always remind Alex and John about the amazing family they have.


A/N: Guys I have a finished story. Thank you guys for reading and everything love you all. Special thanks to Icaj264 and hmcnamara for voting, love you both❤ I'm starting a Be More Chill Fanfiction. I'll post it as soon as I finish my other stories. Thank you❤❤❤

Word Count:647

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