Chapter 11

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John's P.O.V

It all happened so fast

An ambulance came

They took Alex away

The schuyler sister's took me to the hospital

It was a really quiet ride

And time to time sobs from Eliza

I was crying too, but a little

I was really scared

Please be okay Alex


~Time skip~

After what seemed like 3 hours of waiting, they finally let us see Alex. I also texted Laf and Herc so they could come and see Alex too. "Alex!" I ran up to Alex in the bed, but he seemed scared. "Alex? What is it?" He seemed really scared to talk to us. "W-Who are you guys?" My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"It's us, your friends Alex, and me your boy-" I was cut off by Eliza barging into the room and hugging Alex, then proceeding to kiss him. He seemed surprised and very tense,"Uh Eliza can I talk to you outside, like now!?" I was really mad and scared that Eliza kissed Alex.

When we got outside I finally let it all out,"What the literal fuck is wrong with you, you know that Alex belongs to me." She was on the brink of tears and so was I. "He's not supposed to be gay, he supposed to be w-" "If you knew anything about Alexander, you would know that he's bisexual not homosexual." I wanted to just go back in there and make Eliza tell him that I'm his boyfriend.

Alex's P.O.V

I can't remember anything, and I don't know anybody in this room. That guy that hugged me though is really cute. There's two other guys in the room. This one huge guy with a bandana and another guy with a bun, and a heavy French accent. "Hello, je m'apelle Lafayette." I didn't know French, but for some reason I understood him perfectly.

" Je m'appelle.... what's my name?" "Alexander Hamilton," the two men both said in unison." And I'm Hercules Mulligan." I was feeling a bit more comfortable with these guys, but that other guy. He was really cute. And that girl that kissed me, I wished that the guy that came in to hug me, kissed me too.

Herc's P.O.V

Alex had this look on his face, and I've seen that look before. That's the look I give Laf every single day. That's the look John gives to Alex everyday. That's the look of love. "Hey Alex what are you thinking about.?" "Oh, I... umm" a dark shade of red appeared on his face. "Are you thinking of... someone?" He hid his face in his hands. "What's that guys name that hugged me?"

"John Laurens"

"John Laurens." He repeated, I think Alex is falling in love with Laurens again.

John came back in the room, he walked right up to me. "Does he remember anything yet?"

"No..." He seemed really disappointed, but I decide to cheer him up. "But Alex did ask for your name and think you were cute." A shade of red appeared on his face. That has to help.
Even if it's a little.

A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKE 130 READS, and 8 votes😂, I am so happy that people actually look at my writing. Luv you all❤

Word Count:548

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