Chapter 20

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John's P.O.V

It's been about 3 weeks and next week we graduate. I can't believe I'm gonna propose to Alex. I hope he says yes. I was writing all of my ideas on my phone, when Alex walked into the room and I dropped my phone. "Alex? I thought you went out." He looked at me confused," I just went to get some coffee." I saw in his hands two coffees, one with 4 sugars and 4 cups of milk, and one black coffee. That's Alex's. "What were you doing?" I look at him and smile shyly, "I was just thinking about my plans after school.

Alex's P.O.V

I was kinda hurt that he said 'his plans'. I walked to our room, and I sat down on my bed. Who was he texting? Is he cheating on me? Oh I hope not, it's going so well. I decided to go to sleep even though it was 3 in the afternoon.

John's P.O.V

I went into our room, and saw that Alex was asleep. I smiled and closed the door. I decided to text the guys.

Group Chat (just Laf and Herc)

Turtlelover: I think I might have a problem

Largebaguette: What happened mon ami?

Horsefucker: Yeah, what's up?

Turtlelover: I think I'm gonna propose tomorrow

Largebaguette: WhAt😕

Horsefucker: Why?

Turtlelover: I heard him talking to himself in our room, I heard him say that he thought I was cheating on him

Horsefucker: Why would he think that?

Turtlelover: I may have dropped my phone when he came in the dorm

Turtlelover: I was making the plans and he must have thought otherwise

Largebaguette: Well then you should do it tomorrow mon ami

Horsefucker: ^^

Turtlelover: Okay then, I need to go replan a little bye

~Turtlelover is offline~

Horsefucker: Bye then, goodluck

~Horsefucker is offline~


~Largebaguette is offline~

Word Count:312

Hold Me Close - Lams Modern AU (Completed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now