I haven't done this for a while so please,
Could you spare me a little time? To think, to freshen up my mind and warm it up with words and phrases I'll gonna drop next.Hi? Do you still remember? Me? Us? Have you still recognize my face? Our voices? Do you still recall the events. Bonds. The laughters we all shared?
Hi? How are you? It has been a while. Right. It has been a long while that's why I cannot recognize. The heel of your toes or the flick of your lashes. That bouncing hair and those energizing chuckles.
I cannot forget, but I forgot. "Even the brightest will become dull", and that phrase meant for us. The brightful colors washed away by the tide, tearing, breaking our bond. Our unity. Our togetherness. The palette hues faded to monotone scenery of turning one's back without uttering a single word. It shattered. And now been forgotten.
I remember, those times we go home late. Have you still remember or you chose to forget? Those days? I thought, well, maybe yes but don't worry; I'll make you remember. Let's go for a quick glance back of a year or two.
We met. No. You reached out and I'm glad I accepted it. That hand. With a bright smile. That is, for the past years I have been alone with no friends to talk to and hang around, was the first time someone approached me. I'm happy. It made me glad but, not for too long. We became friends and later on a family. We shared tears and laughed at the funniest things. We made through the hardest feats and challenges of life and we even cursed the same foe that one of us is not in a good terms with. But.... What happened? To you? To me? To us? And to those memories? Nothing. The world between us stopped revolving.
I become wary of it but I chose to ignore coz, it will not happen but, I guess, I believe too much. That a happy ending exist. Like Cinderella with her prince and Elsa with her sibling.
But today, I maybe well, just maybe will try to bring back the favor and reach out first. To go forward and look for you to ask if "Am I still welcome to your group?"