P.5: Art, Storybook History, Jack

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[Rapunzel] After announcements and the amazing welcome performance, speaking of which they are going to have a Welcome Party this Friday! Its Wednesday so I have time to get ready. Nows ive been told Art class is in room 400, so I started walking in.

As I walked in I saw such a beauty! Every inch of the walls are covered with a painting. I looked around and only saw two people I reconized. Hiccup and Anna! I walked to the desk and sat between Hiccup and Anna and started talking to them. The school bell rang and everyone took their seats.

"Hello class! My name is Mary Poppins, but call me Miss Poppins! Ill be your art teacher and get this class to be more creative than-Goodness young lady but I love your hair! Its very long. What's your name?" She asks me. "Rapunzel. Nice to meet you Miss Poppins." I say. "Thank you Rapunzel. Nows lets begin. Taking roll hmmmm. Cinderella?"


"Mary Kathrine?"

"Here! Call me MK please."

"You got it. Eric?..."  After she finished roll call, we started painting. "Wow Rapunzel, your painting is wonderful!" Anna told me as I finished up. The painting was me with my friends, Anna, Elsa, Hiccup, Merida, and Jack. "You even got my nose!" Anna giggled. Hiccup chuckled.

"Woah, that painting is great Punzie. Way better than this painting of me and Toothless." We all looked over at his painting and Anna burst into laughter. The painting was...a bit sloppy. "Thanks Anna." Hiccup rolled his eyes as we puts away the paintings and left as the bell rang.


[Elsa] Its 4th period and im headed to Storybook History. I go in and take a seat next to a boy with white hair that looks....oddly familiar. Im near the back of the room, second to last row. "Hi." The boy next to me says. "Oh, hi there." I respond. "My name is Jack Frost." I gasp when the words came out of his mouth. "J-Jack...Frost?" "That's me!" Now that really sounds familiar, but I just can't remember. Damn. The bell rings and class begins. A dog enters the class. "Hello class, im Mr. Peabody and I'll be your teacher for today."

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