P.18: Creepy 'Forest'. No Gump Here.

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[Sarah] We drove down by a forest, the place looked spooky no doubt. "Um are you sure this is the right place?" Rapunzel asked in a worried tone. "This place is creepy and we are in the middle of nowhere." Cyborg answered. "Yes the directions say they are good. This is my kind of place!" Mavis shouted. Jack looked around. "Well I guess we can have some fun here. The creepy woods yay." He said, the last line with a hint of sarcasm.

Now that I think of it, Beauty and the Beast had the creepy woods scene going on, but that would mean.... Holy fudgy Beast could be in there. Im kind of worried, but decide to continue on. "Guys this is Belle's place its this way." I say remembering the path. 

"Are you sure Sarah? You barely got here." Mavis tells me. "Yes im sure. Now c'mon!" I shout as I disappear from their view. Sure enough they follow.

A few minutes later we see the marvelous castle, well more like abandoned-looking.

"Woah this is actually happening." I thought to myself as we knocked on the gates. The gates open as we are led to the castle.


[Diana] After that rollercoaster, I felt queasy but satisfied. Really fun actually. Me, Vanellope, and Mabel got to spit out some gum Mabel brought on a loop and to my surprise, I caught it. Vanellope got her's and Mabel's stuck in her hair. I was laughing my ass off while Vanellope glared.

Whatever is happening is crazy and something no one ever thought would happen, yet I was chosen. Diana shut up you nutjob it's just a dream I kept telling myself. I look to see a familiar face down the street walk back into the black van but I shake it out of my mind. Probably another character I know. I could swear it was Ali-"Hey Diana, Belle is throwing a party and you are invited! Wanna come?" Before I can say anything else, the words "Sure." Come out of my mouth. "Ok Beatles, you are coming with me!" She says as she puts her hand on my wrist to keep a grip on me.

"Hey girls! Wanna ride?" some blonde cowboy girl asks. "Thanks Applejack!" Vanellope responds as she hops on.

Im getting into a stranger's van.

Well, at least it's orange.

Here goes nothing. I hop on and see Vanellope, Applejack...well at least I think its Applejack cause that's what Vanellope called her.., the girls from earlier. One had a pink bow and the other had purple hair, then there's Dipper and Mabel. Dipper stared at me suspiciously but I ignore that.

On the way there we pick up (What I heard their names were) Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy. Must have been some kind of six-year old girl show. Wait a second I remember Alisa watching this all the time, she called herself a brony. Brony. It sounds like Brownie. Very racist Diana.

Applejack drives us to a forest and stops. "Oh great, I think we're lost." She muttered to herself. "This forest reminds me of the Evergreen forest." Fluttershy whispers so quietly its surprising I even heard her. "But Pinkie said it would be here..." Rarity said slowly as if she realized something. "Oh dear Celestia why did we listen to Pinkie! For crying out loud!"

Everyone facepalmed as we got out of the car. I looked around and spotted a pathway decorated in flowers and...

are those cheesepuffs?

"Either Beastboy was here or Pinkie Pie." Twilight says shaking her head.

[Sarah] "Your really leaving that trail of cheesepuffs on the floor?" Cyborg asked looking at the scattered cheesepuffs crumbs. "Yeah, so others know this is the trail duh." We entered the castle and the beauty astounded me.

[A/N: HEY GUYS : D Im so excited I have most of the Disney High plotline figured out! Ive been so busy I was unable to post/update. Well here's a muffin.

-Derpy Hooves/ ThinkDoodles/ I have alot of nicknames so yeah. The title...I was thinking of Forrest Gump xD ]




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