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We finally see a small crowd and Lucy steers the group that way, presumably thinking that's where the stars of the night are. We wait patiently outside of the gathering and finally somehow make our way through.

"Hey ladies!" Zeke says, pulling us closer to him, Eric, and Hunter. I look around for the boy I've been dying to talk to but I see him nowhere.

"Hey Zekey Boo Bear," Lucy jokes with a wink. Zeke chuckles and blushes.

Hunter does a slow clap at Lucy's attempt to be funny. "You're the first one to do that tonight; I'm surprised."

"Really?" Luce seems surprised. "Maybe I just had the balls to say it."

I'm half listening to the small talk my friends and the band are saying about their performance and thanking them for coming out. This was my big chance to talk to Alex and make me stand out over all the girls he must've talked to tonight.

Although I'm sad he's not in sight, I'm a little relieved. Now, I don't get to make a fool of myself. It's pathetic, I know. I'm a 17 year old girl and I can't talk to a boy. True, he's hotter than Chad Tomas but he's simply a boy. Why must I be such a coward?

I try to look like I'm listening to the conversation. I don't even think I said one word to these boys in front of me.

As I think more about Alex and how I feel like I missed the chance to talk to him, I get more and more upset. I know he's in building still, but I know if we see him on the way out, I'm not going to rush up to him. While my friends are talking to these cute band boys, I'm here contemplating my confidence.

I excuse myself quickly, not really sure where I'm going or why I feel this way, "I'll be right back." April shoots me a wary look but I walk away. I see a sign for the restrooms and make my way over there.

Mentally, I'm hitting myself for comparing me to my friends and being disappointed that was my only chance to talk to Alex.


A beautiful boy I know nothing about, but feel so attracted towards. It's not only his good looks, although that does have a little something to do with it. It's how he's mysterious but yet friendly. A rocker but yet he plays the acoustic guitar. He doesn't seem like your ordinary gorgeous boy. Not cocky. Not experienced. Not...stereotypical.

Damn, am I really getting this worked up over some waiter/guitarist? In school, I'll barely look at the boys. All too immature and conceited. However, none of them have anything to be conceited about. I've known them all for years; I could never picture them as being anything more than dicks.

I turn the hall with a sign saying restroom. I'm shaking my head to myself and biting my lip. Why am I thinking all these thoughts right-


"Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and..." I look up from the white t-shirt covered chest I collided with. It''s...


"Are you okay?" He asks me again as I stare into his golden eyes. I was right. They are even more stunning up close.

"I-I..." I stutter. His hands are on my shoulders and his eyes are now level with mine. I cannot handle this close contact with Alex. I shake my head, as if that will clear my thoughts. I step quickly away. "I...I'm fine. Thanks. Not for running into me, but..." I trail off. Could I not make myself look more pathetic?

"That might've been my fault. I had my mind on some stuff..." He trails off as well, his eyes turning darker. "Anyway, I'm really sorry about that."

"Don't apologize. You're fine." I say and then cringe. "Not in that way, but-I mean, yes, in that way, I just- I should stop talking."

He deeply chuckles and I almost swoon. He's almost perfect, even though there is no such thing.

"I had better go. My boss is probably wondering why I'm just talking to random customers." He does a small wave and starts walking off.

Ugh, Julia, don't leave it at that. Say something witty. You were doing okay before.

"Hey!" He turns around with a welcoming look on that beautiful face of his. "You and your band were really good. And, I mean, really, really good." I give a small grin, trying to make my praise seem all genuine.

He gives a small smile. "Thank you." He does a weird, little, cute bow thingy and walks out of the restroom hallway.

I have the biggest smile on my face that probably looks more like a grimace, but I don't care.

I, Julia Louise Moore, just talked to Alex I-have-no-idea-what-his-middle-and-surname-is-but-I'm-sure-it's-hot.

Beautiful, gorgeous, tan, muscular, stunning, not stereotypical Alex.

We had a fucking conversation and I couldn't be happier.


A/N: Not completely happy with this chapter so I might edit it in the future...

I'll update again next week(:

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