An item

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Candice POV

Everyone said there goodbyes and left for there flight. As for Cora Carter and I we get to spend 3 more hours before our flight.

Cora said she was going to sleep and Carter was going to work out. What the hell am I supposed to do? I guess I could work out with Carter. We haven't really talked this whole week.

I quickly changed into running shorts a sports bra and a tank to wear over it. I grabbed a hoodie cause I feel very... exposed in only a tank. I slipped on my shoes grabbed my phone, my earbuds and, the room key.

Once I reached the gym I looked around for Carter. It took me a while but I finally spotted him taking a selfie in the mirror while holding a weight in one hand.

Tool pic.

For some reason I feel the need to scare him. How the balls am I supposed to do that when there's a big ass mirror! Oh well.

"Hey Carter nice picture!" I ran up and posed next to him.

We took a few tool pics and some random ones and a püma picture.

Soon we went back to the hotel room to shower and leave for the airport.


"Bye Carter it's been ill!" I hugged him goodbye.

"Later candy." He frowned "I'll see you in Chicago right?" He asked.

"Yeah you'll see me but Cora can't come." I said quietly.

"Damn c'mon Cora come here for a second." He ushered Cora towards him. As soon as she was next to him he wrapped one arm over her shoulder in a friend type of way since Cora and Taylor are sorta an item.

Carter handed her his phone after making quick taps and slides. She punched in her number and name and all that jazz they took a selfie and she set it as her contact icon.

A muffled voice spoke something over the intercom that I couldn't understand.

"Oh shit candice that's us we have like 2 minutes to get on the plane!" She panicked taking my arm and her bags in her other hand.

"Wait Carter!" I called him over kissed him on the cheek and said bye one last time and then ran off with Cora and my bags to the plane.

-time skip end of flight-

"So you and Carter or is it you and Shawn? Or maybe it's you and Hayes? Wait I know it's you and gilinsky! Hold up how can it be them if it's you and Cameron?" Cora smirked as we walked into my house.

I ignored her and walked up to my room. I threw my bags in the middle of the floor and started unpacking.

"Avoiding the subject I see?" She appeared in the doorway.

"Yes I am." I simply spoke throwing all the dirty cloths in the hamper.

"You just put all of you're cloths in that basket?" Cora laughed jumping on my bed.

"You know what that means!" I cheered.

"Nope, no I, I really don't." She sat up looking at me.

"Laundry day!!" I yelled.

"Yay?" She laughed. "But hey! stop changing the subject." She scolded

"What subject?" I played dumb.

"You know out of the five guys I just named I know you have a thing for one of them I just need you to tell me which one." She said in an intelligent tone.

"Well it's not Hayes for sure, He's ma lil nigga he's only 13. Shawn is my brotha from anotha motha. I'm pretty sure Gilinsky has a girl back home he's got a thing with. Carter and me have only talked for a little while, I definitely want to get to know him he's pretty dope. Cameron has been on my mind a ton if you saw our date you would be jealous I really like him but I just don't know, if we had a title the fans would treat me differently I don't want that and I don't want to keep us a secret either. Since he's one of the populars on the magcon team that just makes fans more protective I really don't think me and him will work out." I spilled the beans. I let out all my thoughts to my best friend yet she hasn't told me barely anything about Taylor.

"Wow. talk about deep." She giggled.

"So what about you and Taylor?" I asked walking into the laundry room.

"Well we may or may not be dating but the only ones that can know is the magcon guys no one else no fans we want to make sure it lasts about a week or so before we tell his fans. You know so I don't look like a slut if we break up soon. But we shook on it to still be besties no matter what!" She yelled to me from my room.

"ER MAH GERD CORA!!" I screamed running back to my room "That's great why didn't you tell me you guys are flawless c'mon it's going to last I know it will. I'm so happy you guys are finally an item!!!" I jumped onto her hugging the life out of her.

"Get the hell off me!" She yelled pushing me off the bed and onto the floor.

How dose Cora have more game then me? Her and Taylor haven't even been on a date yet and there a couple. I bet me and Cameron have seen more of each other then those two. Why can't me and Cameron be together?

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