Using me

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Candice POV

"Okay." Hayes agreed to not say anything about Cora being here "If you guys help me with something and not mention it to anyone."

"Sure anything what is it?" Cora asked.

"I need help with a girl." He blushed.

"Awe you have a crush! Whats her name?" I basically fangirled.

"Hanna." He told us. "We're hanging out later on tomorrow after the event, I met her on the plain she was sitting next to me and we talked the whole time except when her dad woke up then we texted on the notes of our phones, so where should I take her?"

"What kind of stuff dose she like?" I asked.

"I don't know I just met her yesterday but she's beautiful." He stared at a wall as if it was Hanna.

"What kind of girl is she?" Cam joined the conversation.

"She's not a girly girl but she's not a tomboy either I don't really know how to explain it." He shrugged.

"Just be you and if she doesn't like it then screw her." I laughed.

"Okay thanks for the help." He said sarcastically. "But don't worry I won't tell anyone."

And with that Hayes was gone. Cameron, Cora, and I all discussed how Cora was going to tell everyone she was here, and we decided on letting her come up on stage to surprise Taylor. It's about 10
O'clock now and I'm super tired so I changed into some shorts and a T-shirt and jumped on my bed.

I can't help but think about how Cameron always tries to get with me... He always starts hard core making out and stuff and I just feel like maybe he only wants one thing out of this relationship, and I don't want to give it to him.

"Ay homo where do you expect me to sleep?" Cora asked. I grunted and threw a pillow to the floor and pointed to it. she flipped me off and pulled the pillow to the couch.I heard Cora and Cameron whispering about something but I wasn't sure what it was so i drifted to sleep but was awoken when Cameron came to bed and wrapped his arm me. I gave him a quick goodnight kiss and fell all the way into a deep sleep.

-the next morning at breakfast-

We all piled out of the limo and into Taco Bell for breakfast. I went up to the register and ordered 4 waffle tacos for cam and I. Looking around for like 40 minutes I finally found him sitting at a 2 person table. I took a seat in the spiny chair and set down our food.

"Shit don't we need something to bring back to Cora?" Cam asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot about her..." I giggled.

"I missed you're giggle did you know that?" He blushed. I just rolled my eyes and walked back up to the counter and ordered another waffle taco for Cora. I was waiting at the counter for my food when about 3 girls walked up to me. They look like bad news.

"Candice?" The tallest one asked.

"Uh yeah that's me." I laughed.

"Are you dating Cameron?" The same girl flipped her fake bleach blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"Sweetie there are many Cameron's in the world." I rolled my eyes.

"Cameron Dallas?" The shortest nicest looking one asked.

"Yeah he's my bæ." I answered.

"Listen up fatass." The 'leader' of the group said as she came up closer to me. "Cameron only wants you for one thing and you know it. Why would he want someone that can eat 5 waffle tacos? Just admit it you know he doesn't love you an you're just using him for fame. So stay away from our Cam we don't want you're slutty ass to give him an STD." She pointed her fake French manicure in my face and started walking away.

"I was only eating two of them.... and there small." I mumbled but they were gone and couldn't hear me. I grabbed Cora's food and went to sit back by Cameron.

He was telling me some sort of story from when he was a sophomore but I zoned out, just ate and thought about things. What if those girls were right? Like I know they know they just made those things up because I don't kiss and tell and neither dose Cam... but we don't really spend genuine time together we just make out and he try's to get with me every time.

"Babe are you listening?" He interrupted my thoughts. I glanced up at him and thought of my response. Should I lie and tell him I'm fine? That I don't question our relationship every single day?

"Cam we need to talk can we walk back?" I asked with a stern tone.

"Of course." He grabbed our tray and threw away the remains and then set the tray in the designated area on top of the trash can. I took Cora's food and started walking out.

"Are you guys leaving?" Mandy and Matt asked in unison but I ignored and kept walking out the door.

Cameron POV

Mandy and Matt asked where were going but Candice just kept walking out the door. She doesn't seem to happy I hope nothing's wrong or ill be dead. I shrugged my shoulders at them and ran out the door to the side walk to Candice. "Hey wait up!" I called to her but she kept walking keeping her head down and her feet moving. I ran behind her and put a hand on her back for comfort. "Whats wrong?" I asked in a sincere tone.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She stepped on her toes and kissed me, I kissed back and couldn't help but let my hand fall to her but. She pulled away and had an angry look on her face. "Are you using me?!" She spat in my face.

"Why would you think I am?" I asked wanting the truth.

"Because we never just go out on normal dates and whenever we do go out or just chill at the hotel you try to get with me! you're always making out with me and slipping you're hands where they shouldn't be!" She screamed.

"Candice I'm sorry I just can't really help myself around you you're so beautiful nd-and I don't really have an excuse for getting feels on you that's just me being a horny ass, ill try harder to control my hormones if you want me to." I told her.

"You didn't answer my question." she mumbled while folding her arms.

"Candice I didn't think you needed me to answer them I thought you could trust me to not use you as a sex toy." I honestly told her.

Cora POV

I was sitting in the hotel room straightening my hair when the door opens and Cameron comes in. "Where's Candice?" I ask but he just goes straight for his bag and pulls a price of paper out. "What's that?" I ask but he ignores again and walks out of the room. Just minutes later Candice comes in and crawls onto her bed. stuffing her face in her pillow. "What happened?" I asked but just like Cameron she ignores me.

Candice POV

I watched Cameron walk up to the room while I sit there with my mouth dropped speechless.

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