april fools

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Candice POV

Mandy and I walked across the hall to where Carter would be staying and knocked on the door.

We waited a good 20 minutes till he finally came and opened the door. We kept hearing grunts behind the door it sounded like he was building something in there.

"May I help you?" He asked poking his head through the door. He only opened enough to stick his head out so I couldn't see behind him.

"What chu up to?" I asked.

"Oh just uh... working out!" He stuttered nervously and started sweating.

"Okay..? Well we're going to go.. Sooo bye." We walked away.

What was his deal? Why did he seem so nervous? How could he be hiding something in his room if he's going to have to share it with someone? Where is his mind at, he seems so out of it today?

"Well what do you want to do now?" Mandy asked.

"I'm tired I think I'm going to sleep." I yawned.

"I'm going to go by Shawn. Maybe me and him can do a duet!" She cheered.

"Good idea I've seen you're singing vines you're really good!" I stated.

"Thanks! Have a nice nap!" She turned around and started skipping to Shawn' room.

I made my way to my room and instantly collapsed on my bed. Thank God I'm alone I'm super tired and I have a headache.


"Candice!" Someone screeched in my ear.

"Fuck off." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Candice everyone left I just got here 10minutes ago and I'm bored!" the same voice complained.

I looked over and saw Taylor kneeling down right next to my bed.

"Fine I'll get up. What do you want to do?"

"I dunno." He shrugged.

"Then why did you wake me up!" I yelled.

"Damn you're cranky when you're tired." He mumbled.

"Yes I am." I stated.

"Do you want to do a meet up?" He asked.

"Not right now I'm tired, I just want to relax."

"How about a movie?" He asked.

"Sure." I tried to think of a movie. "Have you read divergent?"

"Do I look like someone who reads?" He laughed looking around at himself.

"Whatever I'll see if Carter wants to go see it, I saw him reading it in Orlando he was just about done anyways." I stated.

"So do you want to just watch a movie here? I brought a few from home." He suggested.

"Sure what you got?" I asked sitting up.

"Well there in my room lets go get them from there." He told me standing up and heading for the door.

As soon as I got out of the bed completely I slipped on some monster slippers and followed Taylor into his room.

He was in his suitcase and he pulled out a big stack of like 30 movies! This will probably take a while so I jumped on his bed and rolled myself with the blanket.

"I see you got comfortable, what kind of movie do you want to watch? I've got scary, funny and, little kid movies." He told me.

"What do you have for scary movies?" I love scary movies I get scared really fast but I love the rush. I can just think of Cameron or Carter if I get super scared.

"House at the end of the street, The purge, All of the Saw series, The women in black, Dawn of the dead, Friday the 13th, IT, Freddy Krueger, Insidious, The conjuring, chain saw massacre, The exorcism, The grud-" I cut him off by screaming.

"NOT THE GRUDGE THAT IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE PRETTY BOY!!" I point at the movie case on the ground. He dropped all of the scary movies when I screamed.

"Aww you think I'm pretty?" He cooed.

"Gorgeous now can we keep looking for a movie, I'm starting to get paranoid." I complain.

"Sure funny or little kid movies?" He picks up the movies

"Disney movies all the way!" I yelled.

"Okay I got Alice in Wonderland, Cars, Bambi, Peter pan, Up, Toy stories 1-3, Aladin, Monsters Inc, Despicable me 1 and 2, Tarza-" I cut him off once again.

"Tarzan!!!" I yell jumping up and down.

"Okay calm you're tits let me put away all the movies and then we can watch it." He laughs.

"I got the popcorn!" I yell running into my room.

As soon as I get there I put the popcorn bag thing into the microwave the hotel provided for us, and waited patiently listening to each piece pop. There was a ding that scared the shit out of me but it was just the microwave.

I pulled the hot bag out of the microwave and slammed the door shut. Opening the bag and poured half into my bowl and half into the bowl I'll be giving Taylor.

Taylor came in the room just as I set his bowl down on the nightstand that are in between the 2 beds. He popped in the DVD and jumped onto the other bed kicking off his shoes.

I forgot that I'm still in my high low dress so I snatched my unicorn one piece out of my suit case and ran to the bathroom.

"Don't start it until I'm done!" I yelled closing the door behind me.

I stripped out of my dress and slipped on the one piece. While standing in really odd awkward poses I finally got the zipper up. I don't see why they make it on the back how do they expect me to zip it up if it's behind me.

As soon as I was ready I walked out and pounced on my bed. I scurried under the covers and grabbed my popcorn.

When I looked up at the screen I didn't see Tarzan I saw the grudge.

I screamed and then threw the covers over my head.

"April fools!" He smiles pressing play.

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