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"눈꽃이 떨어져요"

...January 2017...

"Yeah, and none of the days elapsed without the fact that I still miss her so bad."

It was a dead silence for another 10 minutes. Looking at Ji Min's calm expression, Jung Kook knew that the older didn't have anything to say and he decided to keep silent until Jung Kook speak up. It wasn't like Jung Kook didn't want to speak first. He just didn't know how to start.

Jung Kook cleared his throat; gaining Ji Min's attention who just looked outside the window since earlier. Meanwhile the younger boy was busy on arranged the suitable words on his mind to say, the older one leaned forward and played with his hot chocolate; poking the marsh mellow from the surface of his Mint White Hot Chocolate with the spoon.

Jung Kook nodded his head; determined. He was the one who asked for meet up after all...

Apparently, after that day, Ji Min and Jung Kook never met again. Ji Min decided to move to the Busan meanwhile Jung Kook stay at the Seoul. 3 years passed and Ji Min just moved back to the Seoul three days ago. He missed her anyway.

They were lost contact in those 3 years. Seung Jin was the one who told him that Ji Min was back and kindly gave Ji Min's number to him.

"I'm sorry, Hyung." Jung Kook spoke up. After drowning in the dead silence for minutes, those 3 words were the ones which flashed on his mind. He couldn't think about anything else.

"For what?" Ji Min asked back. Jung Kook bewildered; never flashed on his mind that Ji Min would ask back with such question. Even though he didn't think that Ji Min would just stay silent and let the thing slipped away, the question "For what?" was never expected.

"Uh... for everything (?)" Jung Kook was the one who replied, but even he himself wasn't very sure what he was talking about. And it made Ji Min cracked.

"What's so funny, Hyung?" Jung Kook asked, tilted his head; looking at Ji Min who was nearly falling from his chair. He regained his balance back and wiped the tears on the corner of his eyes; still clutching on his stomach.

"You're so funny, Jung Kook. That's cute. By the way, how's Yoo Jin doing?" Ji Min asked; changing the topic suddenly. Jung Kook couldn't catch up and slightly dazed with the sudden question.

"You're still with Yoo Jin, aren't you? Don't tell me that you've got yourself another girl and dumped Yoo Jin off."

"No no, of course not. I'm still with Yoo Jin and yeah, Yoo Jin is doing well." Jung Kook replied. "I actually never thought about break up with Yoo Jin, Hyung." He added. Jung Kook couldn't help but smile sheepishly having thought about Yoo Jin.

Ji Min scoffed. "Yeah, I could see it clearly on your eyes, lovebird." He teased. Jung Kook sipped his Cookies and Cream Hot Chocolate; trying to brush away the blush on his cheeks, but he just couldn't. "Quit teasing me, Hyung." He said in a tiny voice.

As the conversation drifted away to the totally different topic, they slowly got away from the first intention to meet up today. The atmosphere got lighter than before and it eased them up. Laughs, giggles and bunch of teases could be heard. Now they looked more likely to be an old friend.

"Let's stop talking about me. How are you, Hyung? How's Busan?" Jung Kook placed his empty mug aside and pulled his 3rd cup of his hot chocolate. Yeah, they gotten immersed on the talk even didn't realize that they had ordered another cups.

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