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"말 할 수 없는 비밀"

...July 2013...

Waking up that morning; shock, guilty, and fear were mixed up becoming one unclear feeling. With what they had done last night, their once vague relationship had turned into a relationship called friend with benefits, but Ji Min would never let it be, of course.

As they trying to come up with some idea; because Da Hye's mom is clearly very worry about her daughter and Ji Min's phone is currently flooded by hundreds of messages and missed calls from both Da Hye's mom and Seung Jin, Ji Min had promised Da Hye that he would take the responsibility no matter if something had happened or not.

Thanks God, it was Sunday which means no school for Da Hye and no college for Ji Min.

They had actually come up with an idea, but it risky. Da Hye would say that she was sleeping over at Yoo Jin's place and Ji Min didn't have anything to do about that. He was sleeping earlier that night, so he didn't know that Seung Jin and her mom were calling and sending them messages.

It was actually a good idea, but they had to tell Yoo Jin all about situation...

"W-What should we do?" Da Hye bit her nails nervously. Ji Min who was sitting at the end of the bed turned his head toward Da Hye and smiled as she caressed Da Hye's hair; telling her that everything gonna be alright, before he saying,

"Let's just tell your friend; Yoo Jin..."

If they told Yoo Jin, it means that they had to tell Jung Kook as well, because Yoo Jin said that she couldn't hide anything from Jung Kook. They had promised each other that there would be no secret between them. Well, unless if it's a personal thing like you know... They still had their own privacy, so no worries.

Da Hye called Yoo Jin to come over. If she wasn't comfortable about the fact that she has to going to the boy's house, Da Hye told Yoo Jin to bring Jung Kook along to Ji Min's house. "Don't tell anybody about this except Jung Kook, and make sure that nobody seeing you two going to Ji Min's house, especially my family." Da Hye warned.

After calling Yoo Jin, they went downstairs as they felt awkward if keep staying at the bedroom. They were drowned in the suffocating silence and no one was willing to utter a words.

"I'm sorry, Da Hye." Ji Min finally spoke up. "This is my fault..." he added. Looking down to the floor, Ji Min realized that it was entirely his faults. "I- I'll take the responsibility if something happens."

Da Hye snapped from her daydream and moved closer to Ji Min who was sitting at the very end of the couch; away from Da Hye as he felt guilty. Da Hye placed her hand on Ji Min's and smiled.

"It's no one's fault."


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