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"잘 갔다와요"

...July 2013...

Funny when you found your family literally ditch you and go for some trip to another city; leaving you alone with exams lining up before your eyes, ready to swallow you alive. Well, it was exactly what Da Hye felt right now.

"That's it! I'm done!" Da Hye slammed her book shut. Ji Min, who was sitting beside her; reading, turned his head to Da Hye and shook his head. "Already? But you just solved 2 problems and you've said that you've done?"

"No matter how much I try to ignore this, it just too unfair." She grumbled and crossed her arms on her chest.

"What? You mean your family trip? Oh, come on. You're old enough to understand. Besides you have many exams coming up, dear~" Ji Min rolled his eyes and back to his reading.

"But still..." Da Hye sighed. "Do you think I can get accepted by your university?" she added. At last, Ji Min pushed aside the book on his hand and turned his head to face Da Hye.

"I'll help you. So, don't worry. Now, go back study." Ji Min messed up Da Hye's hair. Few days ago, Da Hye appeared on his doorstep all of sudden with books on her arms. She said, she had decided to continue her study at the same university with the one which Ji Min attended.

Being a kind-hearted guy, Ji Min offered a help which was accepted by Da Hye almost immediately. So just like that, Ji Min became Da Hye's tutor.

That night, Da Hye was fallen a slept when she was studying at the living room; together with Ji Min. And just like usual, Ji Min would bring her to her room and kindly turned the light off for her.

Couldn't leave Da Hye alone by herself at her home, Ji Min would sleep at the couch in the living room. He had got permission from Da Hye's parents anyway. Or if he had anything to do at home, he would locked the door using Ji Hyun's spare key and left a note for Da Hye; saying that he's sorry because he had something to do so he couldn't accompany her at home.

Looking at how close they were. Even they didn't know what kind of relationship they had. They were too close for a relationship called best friend, but they weren't dating either. There wasn't any blood relation between them yet they looked like a sibling. Well, maybe acted like a lovers too sometimes.

That night Ji Min just couldn't stay at Da Hye's house. He wrote something on the blue sticky notes which were left on the table. But after few scratch he had made, he crumpled the notes and threw it away before wrote it again.

Study harder and let's go for some trip today. I love you.

Ji Min placed the notes on the refrigerator so Da Hye could notice it soon when she needs to drink some water after waking up tomorrow. Ji Min went to Da Hye's room to check her once again before walking out of the house.

When we thought that maybe friend with benefits is the perfect words to describe their relationship, we couldn't really categorize them into this kind of relationship either.


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