like if you care

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"Repent and change your sinful ways

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"Repent and change your sinful ways."
"Comment Amen if you really love God."
"Like and share if you care,

ignore if you're siding with devil."

Post it on facebook for likes,
tag so that people will know,
just how holy you are,
and what a devoted believer you are.

Stuffs I always see on facebook and other social sites.
Pray tell, am I evil if I say,
that these things I see are things I hate?
Am I a devil's follower if I ignore?

I don't believe that you have to showoff,
your strong beliefs in ways like these,
it's good to share the words of God,
but is it good to use them as threats?

I feel condemned, I feel insulted,
for I am a sinner like everyone else.
Isn't it great profanity to use people's fear,
to make them submit to such words?

If I do like the page, is it really a proof ,

that I really am one of his people?

If otherwise I ignore it and keep scrolling,

Does that make me a devil's spawn?

Why do you base people's love of God through likes?

Through the numbers and shares of the post?
Is it really righteous? Isn't it blasphemous and disrespect?
Pray tell, correct me if I'm wrong.


Now, I've seen a lot of posts like these and I really don't understand the purpose of the people who're posting them. Sure, there are those with pure intentions, but we can't deny that many people these days use them for likes right?

      We go to church but not as devoted as some believers then there's people like me who don't go often to church and not really am religious but I admit I am a sinner and I have to repent. But does going to church every Sunday and then preaching make you above me? Cleaner than me?

      Correct me if I'm wrong...

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