Chapter One

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Alice and Cullen's where cleaning up the mess from the wedding when Alice had a vision

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Alice and Cullen's where cleaning up the mess from the wedding when Alice had a vision. "Bella and Edward are on their way back." She said in confusion making everyone look up in surprise, "There's also someone with them." 

"You're such a bitch!" Bella roared as she entered the room. 

"I don't know what that is." Someone sadly muttered.  

"You ruined our Honeymoon" Bella shouted. 

"I think you mean Honeysea!" the other girl said. 

"Ugh!" Bella said stomping into the living room of the Cullen house. 

The Cullen's watched a beautiful honey blonde girl waltzed shakily into the room, were a green dress and no shoes. "Hello Humans. I mean hello people." She greeted. "Oooh i like those thing that are on those, um... what do you call them oh Feet!" 

"They're called shoes" Edward said smiling. 

"Why don't i have any?" She asked with a cute frown.

"Because Bella has Ridiculously large feet. " Edward said. 

"People have different size feet?" Ariel asked in wonder. 

Edward laughed, the Cullen's where confused. "Do human's sing? Because i sing. Especially under water, its very popular."

"Yes, Human's sing." Edward said with a smile.

"That's so amazing." She said, making the Cullen's smile at the child like girl. 

"Edward, who is this?" Esme asked in a motherly tone. 

"I'm Ariel." She told them. "You are?" 

"I'm Esme." She replied. 

"What an amazing name! That's better then any of my sisters." 

"You have sisters?" Carlisle asked. 

"Oh yes, six in fact." Ariel replied. "They're are probably very worried, i should be getting back!" She told them. "I don't even know where Sebastian has gotten to!" 

"Where do you live?" Esme asked in a motherly tone. 

"The ocean of course!" Ariel exclaimed. "Well, in the palace. My father is King Triton." She told them.

"Oh yeah, the stupid cow is an actual mermaid. To be honest i think she's disgusting." Bella said. 

"Yeah, well... you're just a sea witch!" Ariel exclaimed with a triumphant look on her face. 

AN;/ Welcome to the first chapter, its short but it will get better. Now Meme of the day:

 Now Meme of the day:

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