Chapter Nine

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The princess of the ocean had not woken, the fluttering of her eyes gave the kingdom of false hope that she'd awake soon. But she didn't. Her eyes sealed shut like glue and the glowing of her pale skin grew brighter. Terribly bright that people couldn't get close to her or their eyes would begin to burn. Her body radiating extreme heat. Heat that the mermaids could not get near to. 

But then as if a sudden change happened in the Princess a scream escaped her lips, piercing the ears from all around her. Then a small whimper too. 

Her eyes snapped open. Her tail changed from the emerald green it once was had become a light lilac colour. Her fiery red hair became brighter. And her beauty more so then before.

"Ariel?"King Triton asked his youngest daughter, worried for her. Why had she changed?  But then, all of a sudden, a look of recognition blessed his face. He knew what was going on. She was becoming the true hybrid, the one with all the power. The one that without her mate she will become extremely evil and will die.  

"Ariel?" King Triton whispered again. He was worried for his youngest daughter- his most adventurous and brave daughter. Ariel began to look around, completely confused. 

"Daddy?" She questioned in a very small and weak voice, but he knew she was no longer weak. Well, if he was honest, she never was. "Wha-what happened?" She said, sounding like she was going to cry.  She felt a dull ache in her heart and she only wanted go to Edward. 'How was Edward? Was he okay?' She asked herself. She wasn't okay with being away from him, it made her feel angry and alone. 

"You we're changing, you're the Chosen One." He tells his daughter and saw a look of fear and realization in her eyes. 

"No, no that- it can't be me!" She denied. Her eyes filling with tears, panic filling her face. 

"Ariel, it's okay." Her sister- Alana- said. Reassuring her. 

"Ariel, have you found your mate?" King Triton asked in concern. 

"Yes, he's a vampire! His name is Edward!" She said in excitement. Making her father extremely happy for her. 

"You must go to him, you need him." Her father said softly. 

"Thank you papa!" She said before hugging him tightly, swimming to the shore. Were she saw the Cullen's .

"Edward, you have to hunt, it's been a week!" Alice snapped at him.

"No! Not until she comes back." He snapped, making Ariel fall in love with him more. "I won't let her get hurt." He whispered to himself,but only Ariel could hear it with her new found power.

"Edward! You must feed!" Esme snapped, shocking everyone. 

"I SAID NO!" Edward roared angrily scaring everyone but Ariel. 

"Edward." Ariel whispered, making everyone snap to her as she emerged from the water. Her now purple tail caught Edward's eye. Her hair was brighter and her skin was lighter, she was in a word- more attractive. 

Ariel wasted no time in swimming to Edward, where he captured her lips- for the second time ever. "Edward i love you so much." She whispered to him. 

"You came back to me." He whispered Kissing her again. Allowing her to feel sparks all over her body and kissed her forehead, making her giggle. This seemed to be a action she loved, so Edward made a mental note of it. 


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Thank you so much!! Never in my life did i think that a story of mine would be this popular, When i was in Year 7 i dreamed of being a writer but i was told by my English teachers and bullies that i would never be a writer

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Thank you so much!! Never in my life did i think that a story of mine would be this popular, When i was in Year 7 i dreamed of being a writer but i was told by my English teachers and bullies that i would never be a writer. So thank you!! This may not be the best story you ever read but i have tried. Leave me a comment about your dreams and proving people wrong.

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