Chapter Five

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Bella- after crying for at least ten minutes- left the Cullen house, promising to be back. Thinking, if she promised that she'd be back Edward would wait for her. Maybe a part of her did love Edward- actually no. I take back my previous statement, she was going to leave him as soon as she became a vampire. When Bella finally left it was a huge relief for Edward, I mean he never truly loved her. But he was infatuated with her blood. He wanted to protect her, she was a venerable human.

Ariel sparked something in him, maybe it was passion or love. He didn't truly know yet. She was gorgeous he knew that; the whole family knew that. It was like an unspoken truth. Bella couldn't hold a candle to this strawberry blonde's beauty. It was as if she was a vampire, but prettier.

Ariel sighed, glad Bella had finally left. She felt bad, but this was her mate. No one else's. "So, do mates eat each other? Because I don't think papa ate mother, but then again he never really spoke about her death. No she was hit by a boat, I don't know. He said they love each other, So what is it? " Ariel asked.

"No. Mates do not eat each other." Alice giggled.

"That's a relief, I may be 200 but I don't want to die." Ariel laughed.

"Your 200?" Edward asked flabbergasted.

"Yes, mermaids born with royal blood are immortal. That's why mother was able to die, she was not born royal. And wasn't classed as a royal long enough to become immortal." Ariel explained. "But there are many things that can kill me." She added gravely.

"Where are we going to next?" Jasper asked, for the first time actually speaking. Mainly because Bella was in the room- and no matter how much he disliked her he didn't want to eat her.

"Can we live by the ocean?" Ariel asked excitedly.

"Of course we can my dear. I guess we aren't packing. I suppose we should leave now, Bella may be back soon." Esme said in a motherly concerned tone.

"Why is Bella so mean?" Ariel asked.

"I don't know little one." Edward said, kissing her forehead delicately. Ariel's forehead burned at the sensation of Edwards lips. She placed one hand on her forehead, trying to figure out what that was.

"That was weird, do it again!" Ariel giggled. Making Edward smile with happiness, something the family saw rarely.

Edward kissed Ariel's forehead delicately, for the second time. "Whipped!" Emmett commented.

"Why do you want to whip?" Ariel questioned. Not really understanding why he just said whipped. 

AN:/ I may or may not have just spent 20 mins looking at memes for the meme of the day. Which i did once. Crap. Here are some memes to make you forget my crappy writing. 

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The Cullen's Mermaid {Edward Cullen}Where stories live. Discover now