Chapter Seven

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Ariel had been sleeping, the whole journey to the beach

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Ariel had been sleeping, the whole journey to the beach. Sweat was seeping off her forehead. Her strawberry blond hair became bright red, and her legs started fusing together. The pain was evident on her face, and although she seemed fine inside she was screaming. Only Edward and Rosalie where in this car, Rose was wiping a cold towel over her forehead, which seemed to calm her down a little. Edward finally pulled up to a secluded beach, anyone that could've been there left due to the car driving on to the middle of the beach. Edward didn't even care if he ran over someone. "Please let this work." Edward begged quietly. When Rose heard this she smiled slightly at her brother, feeling bad she couldn't do anything more to help.

He placed her at the edge of the water, and watched as she turned into a mermaid again. Her green scales came back with a purple seashell bra. Her hair was now completely bright red, the sweat still on her head as she groaned, moving closer to the water.   

Edward sighed in relief when he saw her eyes flutter open ever so slightly

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Edward sighed in relief when he saw her eyes flutter open ever so slightly. "Edward?" She mumbled quietly. 

"I'm here." He said quietly, kind of in disbelief she's okay and he was right, she needed water. He thought in that moment, maybe she should go back to the ocean, he can't protect her. He didn't even realize that she'd need water. 

Her eyes opened probably, finally. She smiled, seeing the ocean. And in the distance she saw a blob of yellow, "Flounder!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, waving like a mad man. 

"Ariel!" Flounder said happily, the Cullen's couldn't understand the fish. But it looked like Ariel could. "King Triton needs your help!" He said panicked. 

"What do you mean? Whats happened to my father?!" Ariel rushed out. Her face changed from happiness to extreme worry.

"Ursula and Morgana have taken over the kingdom, Atlantica is in trouble Ariel." Flounder said. 

"How could this happen, they were banished years ago! Do they have the trident?" Ariel asked. She suddenly realized her journey with the Cullen's was about to end. Because she knew if they had the trident they'd try to kill her then help the kingdom of Atlantica . 

"I'm afraid they may have by now, your father was trying to stop them, but the palace's guards were out looking for you Ariel." Flounder said. Ariel felt sorrow curse through her, she was the reason this was happening. She just wanted to explore, she wanted to meet people. She had never planned to let it get this far, she never wanted to risk others lives. 

"I'm the only one who can stop them." Ariel said to herself, but this definetly caught Edward's attention.

"Stop who?" Edward asked worriedly, from the sounds of Ariel's side of the conversation they were not good people. Or rather Merfolk. 

"Ursula and Morgana, the sea witches. They managed to capture the whole kingdom because of me, i am the only one with enough power to stop them. I have to go home." Ariel explained, getting out of the water and turning into her normal self so that she could say goodbye to the family. 

"But you'll come back, right?" Edward asked, his emotions clearly showing for once. Instead of the stupid staring he did with Bella. 

"I don't know, if i survive then my father would probably never allow it, this is my fault afterall." She told him, staring deeply into his golden eyes. 

"How is this your fault?" Rosalie asked, more like snapped. If Ariel goes into that ocean she may not come back alive. 

"If i hadn't of ran away then my father wouldn't have sent the guards after me, meaning the palace would've been protected. I have put everyone i love in danger. I have to go back." She said. Rosalie looked like she was going to cry, if she was human she would've. 

Rose looked at the two, "I'll let you say goodbye." She muttered, walking away. 

"Edward, i am so sorry. I ruined your marriage and now i'm leaving." She said, tears freely falling down her face. To which Edward wiped them off.

"Listen to me, you are the best thing to have ever happened to me. And i know you, you will survive this. I believe in you. Try to come back to me." He whispered to her. 

"I will." She said as she leaned up, ever so slightly and placed her lips on Edwards for the first time. Sparks, explosions everything ignited in her like a fire. She pulled away. "I know we have only just met. But i love you." She whispered to him.

"I love you too." He said as he placed his forehead on hers. 

And with that, Ariel pulled away from Edward and ran into the ocean. Swimming down to her doom.

Thanks everyone for everything, i am not going to do the Descendants idea because many didnt like the idea. But go check out my other stories. I have posted one descendants fan fic and have also written two others.SO check it out. Thanks for all the feedback. <3 Now meme of the day:

 <3 Now meme of the day:

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