Chapter Fifteen

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Charlie Swan stood alone, he didn't need his army, he just need himself. He was ready to kill them all. They were disgraces. Ariel began to wander to Charlie, placing a small finger to her lips to signal to the rest of the Cullen's to be quiet. They all nodded knowing that it was best, as if Ariel felt something bad was going to happen it was. 

She walked to the battle sight and her Charlie Swan call out, "Those disgusting creatures murdered my daughter in cold blood. That bitch needs to die." Ariel knew that he didn't want to do this, she could feel it. He was so grief stricken that he felt he had to avenge Bella. She began to lure him to her, without signalling his army. 

When he finally reached her, very dazed and confused may i add, she called out to him "Charlie this is not you, this is not you..." She whispered into the dark night. Charlies face writhed with anger.

"And what would you know whore?" He spat venomously at her. 

"I know that you don't actually know the truth, and i will show you." She said, and they were both sucked into a vision. 

"Bella?" Jacob asked, his shirt off. Bella stared at his toned chest. "Thought you'd be with Edward, your getting married in a few days." Jake pointed out, making Bella remove her eyes.

"You know when i came here all i wanted was to move back home, but i needed to find something." Bella spoke up.

"Find what?" Jacob asked, completely confused. He didn't miss the lustful look Bella gave him. 

"Charlies mothers ring, you see the Swans used to be incredibly rich- well they still are- but Charlie wont use the money, and that ring is the key to it." She spoke, she suddenly walked closer to Jacob and began to kiss his chest. "I don't love Edward, i love you. But Edward will grant me immortality and then we can be togther... forever."

Charlie looked down, he realised that Bella was just like Rene a money grabbing bitch. "I'm so sorry, i-" He spoke but broke down.

"Charlie, you lost your daughter. We forgive you." Ariel said, bringing the man into her embrace. "You can join the coven, you can be like a dad to us all... what do you say?" Ariel asked, Charlie looked up at the family his daughter was using. Noticing all their hopeful and excited looks he smiled. They all cheered, The Cullen's now included Charlie Swan.

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