Chapter Twelve

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Edward kissed Ariel passionately, in their hotel room he booked to get away from everything that happened

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Edward kissed Ariel passionately, in their hotel room he booked to get away from everything that happened. He began to kiss down her neck- making her moan loudly. They quickly began to undress eachother, and she soon lost her innocence. Over and over again.


Ariel laid on Edwards bare chest- her heart beat steady as she had fallen asleep. Edward gazed at her. He looked at her two dimples. He looked at her strawberry blonde hair that got brighter when she turned, he noticed how she had a scar on her left arm, a faint one. But it was still there. He noticed everything he didn't before. He loved her so much. He now had all of her, he'd seen all of her and he loved every second of it. The two old age virgins had finally lost their innocence and their was no going back- but neither of them wanted to.


"Yes! Eddy boy finally got some!" Emmett shouted as Edward and Ariel walked through the door of the Cullen house. So wrapped up in each other.

"Ooh- I'm going to use that." Ariel said to Emmett about the 'Eddy boy' nickname.

"No, no. Don't try and ignore my sex comment." Emmett said. Glaring at the two who both blush deep red at his comment.

"Well- we um. Well we are mates- so.." Ariel said to Emmett. "It's not the 1800s anymore. " She added.

"Nice eddy boy. Nice." Emmett laughed.

"Leave the poor two alone Emmett." Esme said with a bright smile and a plate of cookies. Which Ariel sped to, making everyone blink twice. "Sorry, can't control the speed."

"Don't worry about it Ariel, your family." Carlisle said to her making her smile brightly. She was happy to have another family.


They were ready to kill, they all were. The hunters couldn't let the chosen one live- because if they did. The supernatural would never be irradicated. "Ready to kill the bitch?" The leader asked the group. To which she got no reply, just the sound of guns ready to shoot. They can't let disturbing beasts like the Forestima-or the chose one- to exist. They are murderers, they kill for fun. So the humans decided to do it to. Ariel princess of the ocean the Forestima, mate of Edward Cullen was going to die. And they would kill anyone who stands in their way of killing that demon.

 Boom mother-fuckers

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Boom mother-fuckers. Third update. Thank me later.

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