Chapter Thirteen

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Ariel sighed in content, a small smile on her face as she woke up to Edward looking down at her. "Good-morning gorgeous."He whispered to her tiredly as he can't sleep.

"Good morning Handsome." She said smiling sleepily. Her eyes lighting up as she gazed up at him, happy to wake up beside him. Although she was happy, she felt weird, like something bad was going to happen to her. But she quickly brushed it off, it didn't matter as long as she had her family. "What time is it?" Ariel asked, as she laid in the new bed Edward had brought in their new house. Ariel didn't really know where they were but that didn't matter to her. 

"Eleven, i was going to wake you but you seemed tired." He said, a small smirk on his face thinking about the reason why she was tired. 

"I wonder why." She giggled, leaning into his touch, he may be cold but he was her comfort blanket. She loved him with all her heart- even if it meant she didn't see Sebastian as much or ever see flouder. But at least she had the Cullens. 

Slowly the two emerged from their bedroom, and made their way downstairs where most of the Cullen family resided. Emmett and Jasper were setting up a tv in the livingroom as Esme, Rose and Alice worked on some food for Ariel. Ariel curiously looked at the TV, not really knowing what it was. When it turned on the mermaid screamed. Which made the family look at her in alarm. Only to find her glaring at the TV, "How did they get little people in there!" Ariel cried out desperately, "How barbaric!" She said, touching the TV slightly. When she did she jumped back. "Why is it warm!" She shouted, Edward laughed at his cute mate. 

"It's a TV love there aren't actual people in it." Edward told her, and that caused the next 4 hours to be used explaining all types of technology to Ariel. 

*Unknown POV*

I growled deeply, my man had lost the little Princess, and now they can't find the bitch. Never in my life had i seen such incompetence. "You lost her?" I question my man, Henry, very angrily. 

"I dunno boss, the bitch ran off with the Cullen boy." I growled louder, after everything that bastard did. 

He killed my daughter, he left her for that bitch. I, Charlie Swan a dark wizard will get my revenge. 

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So.... its been a while. I want to apologize for how long it has been but i have completely lost all hope for this story. I am trying, as it took a lot to write this chapter. But hopefully it was okay. I aint sure how i feel about this Chapter honestly. Okay Bai 

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