Chapter Fourteen

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Time flew by for the Cullen's, days bleed into weeks and weeks bled into months. It was Blissful. The whole family was happy. Rosalie was happy because Ariel was Childlike, and Rose became like a mother to her, even though Ariel was older. Alice had some to talk about fashion to, and Ariel seemed to catch on with fashion in an instant. Emmett loved Ariel like a sister, they often played pranks on the rest of the family. Esme had someone to confide in, someone to baby and someone to cook for. Carlisle became like a second dad to Ariel, deeply caring for the young girl. And Jasper loved her because all the hunger he had disappeared as long as she was around, and it made him happy and carefree.

The Cullen Family was complete; Edward the mind reader that was only happy around his family, Alice the hyperactive future seeing pixie, Rosalie the stuck up blonde that only opens up to family, Jasper the war solider with the burden of feeling others emotions, Emmett the big teddy bear that loved to beat on anything or anyone, Esme the kind hearted mother, Carlisle the healer and the designated father, And finally Ariel the bubbly mermaid new to land. 

What they didn't know was that Charlie Swan was after them, after Bella's death he started to practice expression and quickly lost himself in the darkness it overwhelmed him. And it brought anger that was all drifted at the Cullen family. They were the reason his daughter was dead. They were the reason she went through so much pain during the time that they were here. And he now knows they are vampires- were they just using Bella? Because she told him that some whore interrupted their honeymoon and Edward ran away with her. That person being Ariel- the chosen one. 

 He sighed, "Come on." He said to himself as he hovered the crystal over a map. It span continuously, not finding anything then suddenly it started to drown in on an area and fell down on the map. "Gotcha." He whispered. Happy, for once. He laughed maliciously, time to kill the Cullens, and the Cullen's whore.

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