Chapter Eleven

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Her breathing was slow- deathly slow. Almost impossible to hear, like it wasn't even there. Her heart beating once every minute- it was like she was dead. And Bella killed her, Edwards face turned to rage as he prepared to kill the brunette sprawled across his father's operating table. "Edward no!" Carlisle shouted as Edward prepared to rip Bella's head off.  "Why?! She was killing Ariel!" Edward screamed in anger.

His angry radiated to Jasper- who entered slowly after Carlisle. He was ready to kill Bella as well- Alice noticed this. So her and Emmett grabbed hold of Jasper, trying to stop him. "She deserves to die." He muttered.

"No! We have to save Ariel!" Carlisle argued and they all saw Edwards anger turn to worry. "How?" He asked, anger still in his tone still.

"With pain." Carlisle said simply and as calm as possible.

"What?!" Edward roared, there was no way he was going allow anyone to hurt Ariel ever again- who he was now cradling in his arms.

"From what I've read about her new status pain will trigger her healing process-if not she may die." Carlisle said. "Her powers aren't at their full potential yet- her body is vulnerable to death."

"Fine. But make it quick, I can't let her be in pain any longer." He said stroking her cheek delicately and watched as Carlisle walked over to the two. He gently picked up her arm and quickly broke her wrist. Ariel shot up, vain's down her face and massive fangs piercing through her gums. She growled loudly then began to cry. Edward cradled her in his arms, rocking her back and forth. Kissing her head ever-so-slightly.



t had been 3 days, meaning Bella was going to wake up soon. And she'd have hell to pay for hurting Ariel. The Cullen's family- not Bella. She'd never be family.

Bella's eyes snapped open and a smirk was placed on her new face. Ariel was dead- and she was a vampire. Meaning she could have Edward now and their was nothing standing in her way. "Bella." She suddenly heard Ariel. Her smirk became a frown in an instant. "I thought you were dead." Bella said bitterly. Growling as she spoke.

"I tried to help you and you tried to kill me. But guess what Belly-boo I'm no longer just a mermaid. I'm the chosen one. You are just a little vampire with the power of shielding. What make you think you are special at all, because Belly-boo you are nothing but a malicious coward. She you in hell bitch." She said as a batch of fire swallowed Bella into hell.

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Double upload mother-fuckers

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Double upload mother-fuckers. Should I end this soon?

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