Chapter Four

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All Ariel ever wanted was to be accepted, even in the ocean she wasn't accepted for her strange talents

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All Ariel ever wanted was to be accepted, even in the ocean she wasn't accepted for her strange talents. And the fact she could change from Mermaid to human. Not even king Triton could do that, he couldn't do half the things Ariel could. Many believed that Ariel was a sea witch, just like her aunt Ursula. But many still adored the princess, saying these talents showed that she was the true ruler of the ocean. "I shoul-d leave. I don't belong here." Ariel whispered. It was strange, she didn't want to leave Edward. Like she felt so emotionally attached to him. And the thought of leaving him made her sick to the fins. But he was married, to a girl that hated her.

"Yes, you should!" Bella said as Edward shouted "No!"

"Why not? I am not human, but I don't seem to be a normal mermaid. Sebastian was right, I should have never come here." Ariel said quietly, Bella only half hearing it but smirked none the less.

"No, you're my mate you can't leave!" Edward said desperately, trying to keep the girl he was already in love with from leaving.

"I'm your what? I thought that Mermaids couldn't have any other species as their mate, as they couldn't- oh!" Ariel realized because she could go on land she had become mates with a sparkly vampire that was married!

"Edward, you can't be her mate!" Bella shouted in anguish, her voice falsely trembling. "I'm your mate, and come on I'm so much prettier!"

"Bella, shut up!" Rosalie snapped at her, annoyed by her antics that really meant nothing. Nobody really wanted her around, like ever. She was super annoying, worse the Jess.

"No! I am Edwards wife, I will not loose him to a floozy!" Bella screamed.

"What does Floozy mean?" Ariel asked innocently. "And I don't want to ruin your marriage."

"Our marriage is based on lies, the only reason she married me is so I'd turn her, She's in love with a werewolf named Jacob." Edward pleaded at Ariel, afraid she'd leave him. All thought he wouldn't blame her if she did. I mean, he is married. And a vampire, what could he possibly give her that she doesn't already have?

"Do you love her?" Ariel asked the question on everyone's mind. The room was filled with complete silence. The group staring at Edwards every movement. He looked calm, maybe he was. But Bella was not, he was her only chance of being immortal. She couldn't let it slip

through her fingers like it did so many times before.

"No." Edward said, his voice completely void of regret or love for the swan girl. He felt absolutely nothing to her, his only priority is Ariel and if shes okay at all times.

"Then I'll stay here, as long as Esme and Carlisle are okay with it, I don't really have anywhere to actually stay." She said blushing bright red.

"It's quite alright dear, you're family." Esme said almost immediately.

"What about me?!" Bella roared, no one had noticed she was crying and sat in the corner.

"Go home." Rosalie spat, as everyone else stayed silent.

"Charlie will come, he will be mad!" Bella hissed.

'Don't you think its time to leave Edward?' Carlisle asked in his head.

"He won't be able to, we are leaving."

  "Edward please don't leave me!" Bella begged, but nothing was going to change his mind.  

The Cullen's Mermaid {Edward Cullen}Where stories live. Discover now