Chapter Ten

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She heard ratter-ling, the sound of things running, the sound of water

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She heard ratter-ling, the sound of things running, the sound of water. Dripping down, she could feel water on her forehead. She felt who was dying; Bella Swan was being drowned. Her throat itched in hopes of escaping the loud screech of a banshee, one of her many powers now. 

"Pull over!" Ariel said in a hurry, her voice cracking and strained. Carlisle- who was driving the car- looked at her in worry. "I said pull over!" She said angrily. And Carlisle quickly pulled over. 

She rushed out of the car, the road was empty due to the darkness of the night. And she screamed. 

The Cullen family covered their ears, "Bella!" They heard her scream loudly. Why the hell would she scream for Bella? "She's- she's not dead. No. She's not dead!" She whispered to herself. Suddenly she began to run, a speed that nobody could ever catch up too. She was in Forks within the hour. And at the beach. 

"Bella!" She shouted when she saw the brunette shriveled up in pain, completely drowned in water and with a large cold one bite on her leg. "No. I am so sorry, if i never came to Forks this would never have happened." Bella never answered, she couldn't the pain was way too much. She hated Ariel, but she was finally getting her wish- despite the pain. Ariel took everything away from her, and she was going to pay. Ariel swept Bella into her arms, running her into the Cullen house. It only took her a few seconds. She placed Bella down on Carlisle's operating table in his study. Bella still screaming in pain. "There has to be a way for me to- to help!" she shouted at herself. "Come on, come on." She grabbed Bella's arm and suddenly black vain's crawled up her arm as she took Bella's pain away- but it was hurting her. A lot. 

"W-what's happening?" Bella asked, mildly in pain, but at least able to talk. 

"I-i'm taking y-your pain a-way." Ariel said, breathing heavily. A few tears slip down her face. 

"Why are you h-here?" Bella asked her, slightly grateful some of her pain is being taken away- making her transition easier, but she has to keep doing it. Bella can't let her stop. Even if it kills Ariel.   She noticed Ariel beginning to pull away. "No, you c-can't stop. This is you fault." Bella said, tears in her eyes but murder on her mind.

"I know- i am so sorry. B-but it hurts!" She cried, she wanted to stop but the guilt made it stay. The pain, made her powers out of control because she didn't know how to control them yet. The lights began to explode and the wind outside picked up quickly. "B-Bella i can't do this! I am going to kill us all!" She shouted in worry. She began to pull away but Bella grabbed her tightly. Her new-born strength coming in quickly as the pain was being taken away- and Ariel was weak due to the pain. She was a great target. 

"Bella stop!" She tried again- but it didn't matter she had fallen unconscious-  but that meant she was no longer taking away Bella's pain. 

"Ariel!" Edward screamed as he finally made it into the room. 

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