Night Eleven

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"So your Alex," Vinny said which really surprised me. "How did you find out about that?!" I asked. He let out a little chuckle and said "I took a peek at your phone when you gave it to Rayne." My eyes widened.

You see, I had this little crush on Alex a few months ago. My other friends spilled the beans to him, humiliating me. Its tradition for them to spill the beans on my crushes. Its a horrible life. I guess most of the time, I get more bad vibes from crushes but Alex' reaction was mutual. But I'm still humiliated about it even though I got over him a long time ago.

"It's a surprise to see you here," Alex said. I looked around him and saw his friends who were also my friends. There was Kevin, Eliot, and Mitch. They also knew about me having a crush on Alex and 'supported me'. Though those three were like brothers to me. So I stood up, walked to the three and hugged them. And yes, I totlaly disregarded Alex. And he totaly noticed. 

"What about me?" he whined. I rolled my eyes and gave him a very small hug too.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Rayne asked them and Eliot answered. "Oh you know. Arcade, popcorn. The works." Then Louis' eyes lighted up like Christmas lights.

"DENISE I WANT TO GO TO THE ARCADE TOO!!!!!!!!!" he said and the other boys followed. I rolled my eyes and thought 'This could mean avoiding the boys!' then I thought again 'Or this could mean closure for both teams....CRAP!' I had to answer them with the right question.


They all whined simultaneously.

"Come on!" "Please Denise?" "Thats no fair!" "After all weve been through!" "Maybe I need to buy you   something from Tribal for you to take us..." "Mikey, go convince her!

The last one made my eyes go wide but Mikey just chuckled. He stood up from his seat and put his arm over my shoulders and whispered to my ear, "Maybe we should go check someother mall. You probably have some history with them." I looked at him and he smiled. That's the best thing that came out of his mouth ever. I nodded and he started taking some bags. The others were confused but I followed. "We'll meet you at the car!" Vinny said s th boys left with several bags leaving me and Rayne only having to carry about four of five bags each. Each of the boys had a lot of stuff with them so I guess you could say we dominated the mall.

" he your boyfriend?" Alex asked which really surprised me. What was going on in my head was like 'I wish'. But then again, I would make a total fool of myself in front of Alex again. "No, he's not my boyfriend. Just some dudes messing around," I said. They nodded then Mitch pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"I missed you sis! HAHA!" He was a pretty cool brother. Fun loving and all. Kevin and Eliot joined in. Rayne attacked and soon enough, I couldn't find the space to breath.

"H-hey guys, Denise can't b-breath! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Alex was laughing his guts out at the scene. They released the hug and I practically stumbled from the lack of breath and almost fell over Alex...well...almost. We both fell laughing anyways. I have to say, he still looked pretty good. BUT I am ALL over that now.

"Ha-ha very funny guys. Now if you don't mind, we'll get going now," We said our goodbyes and walked to the parking lot. We saw the limo and entered to see the boys debating wether Alex was my ex-boyfriend or not. I had to scream to settle everybody down. Me and Rayne went in and I told the driver to head to the Mall of Asia. The boys kept quiet until Nick cracked up.

"Seriously, was he your boyfriend before?" The other boys started asking the same question. I rolled my eyes and told them the story. After a moment of silence, B=Vinny said, "Mikey, be happy she's available." Mikey playfully punched him on his arm, blushing. I was blushing myself too.We directly hit the arcade once the car stopped at the parking lot. After that, me and Rayne went back to my house while the boys headed to their hotel. I ain't fallin on nobody tonight!

Me and Rayne packed one-fourth of the stuff we bought. We looked back on the unpacked things....there was like a thousand.Good thing we had a lot of bags.

We set the stuff aside and ate dinner and headed for bed. We woke up early and headed for the badminton court. My paradise. I saw a few friends and played with them while Rayne took a rest. We got home all sweaty and tired. And history repeats itself. We enter the house to see the boys there and once again, we immeadiately ran upstairs. Who would want another boy your age to see you sweaty and smelly?? I mean like, HELLO?!

We both took a bath and went down for lunch with our hair still damp. I practically attacked the table yelling FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!

The boys just laughed at this, Rayne ran ahead of me, my mom grabbed my chicken lolipop, Rayne's dad nearly spilled Coke out of his nostrils (youch) and I nearly tripped. Yeah, a lot can happen in five seconds.

I grabbed a plate, put a lot of food on it, sat o he couch, turned on the TV and watched as I stuffed food down my throat. After lunch, Rayne and I went upstairs, you know, to do our thing.

"Exactly where are you guys going?" Louis asked. Then suddenly, I had a great idea.

"Boys, get up here. NOW!" I screamed. Rayne looked at me for a while, confused. Then she got the plan.

I turned on my laptop and started recording the camera.

"Hey guys! It's me! Denise!!!!" I said then Rayne followed. "And its me Rayne!!!!" Yeah. Were as crazy as it seems. Then right on time, the boys enterd the room not knowing we were recording. "AND THESE GUYS ARE THE ICONIC BOYZ!!!!!" me and Rayne screamed at the same time and pretended we were hving a fangirling moment. We all laughed and the boys introduced themselves in front of the camera. We did some crazy stuff. we goofed around, danced crazy dances, sang crazy random lyrics. The boys did their Ke$ha dance...yes the dance where Mikey lifted his shirt, and yes I avoided eye contact...or I could say it was eye to body contact. Okay, weird moment!!!! We uploaded and got about a thousand views. Yeah, maybe I should agree on Rayne that I have high standards. A thousand views was already a lot.

After that, me and Rayne went out to go god knows where doing god knows what with god knows who. Kidding! We were going to the arcade to play games with the boys...half an hour later, we were running from a mob of fangirls. Blame the boys!!! hihihi


ITS MEEEEEEEEE! SO THANKS TO ALL THE READERS!!! I'm getting over two thousands reads! I love you all, this is all really for you! So now you know who Alex is. I guess we can say there's a spark between Mikey and Denise... the next chapter will be composed of POV's from other main characters, FINALLY!!!

Love lots! Mwuahahahahaha! 

Living The Good Life With The Boyz (an ICONic boyz fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon