Night Nine

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2 millimeters away from a kiss. We stayed in that position for a while. What can I say! I was stunned!

"Well, isn't that a smitten position?" Vinny said. Mikey got shook from the trance and got off  me. He stretched out  hand to help me up and I took it as he said "Sorry."

"It's fine," I said. Totally fine. That was SO FRIGGIN FINE. Okay relax! Things that can't happen going on in my head right now... not good. Oh shizz I'm going to explode. Then my phone rang with my new ring tone, which sarcastically is Charice's new song "Explode". Curse these coincidences. I'm guessing Rayne got it since she busted out laughing.

"You do know your the only one laughing, right?" I asked her and she looked around. "They just don't get it. Would you like me to explain?" she said, daring me. I jumped onto her and covered her month. She tried getting me off her. EPIC FAIL!!! Then the limo suddenly started and me and Rayne fell on the floor. The guys started laughing and Rayne started tickling me. Which is bad because I am very VERY ticklish.

"Get the hell!! Haha!! Stop it!! Rayne!! Hahaha!!!" I kept laughing so much that tears were coming out of my eyes. Then I saw Mikey pull out his phone and showed the guys a picture. I saw what people called a 'Meme' saying 'Shit just got serious'. The boys pulled Rayne off me and she suddenly laughed.

"What?" I asked her. Then Madison and Vinny laughed too. "You look totally screwed!!!" Nick said. I rolled my eyes and stayed on the limo floor for a while. Man that was tiring. Mikey helped me up and  I slumped on the seat. Seriously tiring. I was still panting then I checked my phone.

"Hey! I just saw you at the carnival with some dudes. One of them your boyfriend?" It was a message from...Alex? I was stunned...shocked. Hell, I don't know any other terms for it. It was like I was turned to stone once I saw the name. And he saw me with the boys?! That was worse.

"Rayne, you have got to see this. And don't show them!" I handed the phone to Rayne and her eyes widened.

"Alex...isn't he the one you-" Rayne started but I interrupted her. "Don't say it!" I guess realization hit her and she nodded her head. She handed me the phone back. I kept quiet the rest of the ride. The boys stayed at our house since it was pretty late.

Despite the shock of Alex texting me and thinking one of the boys is my boyfriend, we had a fun night. We camped out in the living room without my parent's knowledge. We laid a really big matress on the floor but it wasn't big enough for all of us so I slept on the couch which we covered with tons of blankets. Rayne slept beside me. Vinny slept on the other couch and the rest was on the matress.

I think it was midnight that time. Rayne suddenly pushed me from behind in her sleep. Unfortunately, I fell on Mikey. Fortunately, he was still awake and understood. I landed on top of him but roled onto his side cause I think I hit my head on something hard. I checked what it was and saw a book hidden in the pillowcase.

"No wonder there was something hard on my head," Mikey said, looking at the book. Rayne woke up and turned on the lights.

"What happened?!" she asked. I rolled my eyes and said, "You nearly killed me!" She was shocked and confused and said "Huh?" Mikey laughed and so did I. That was hilarious. Later on I asked if Mikey was hurt or something and he said he was fine. He asked me the same question and I said the same response other than my head. Rayne kept apologizing and I kept laughing.

"By the way, how come your still awake?" I asked Mikey. He blushed and kept silent.

"Okay time to go back to sleep!" Rayne said and scooted back to her spot and made space for me. "Aw hell no! I don't want to risk a bone fracture!" I said. Rayne raised a brow and Mikey laughed. "Then where are you going to sleep?!" she asked. I pondered about that too.

"She can sleep beside Mikey, duh!" Madison suddenly said. I just realized that he was on my other side. "Maybe I'll just go up to my room," I said and started standing up but Madison held me down.

"I hate you," I said. He rolled his eyes and we went off to sleep. I woke up looking at the sleeping Mikey. Madison was also fast asleep so I stood up and woke everyone up. It was 6:00 am now and my parents don't wake up for another hour. We would have to fix this place up so they don't find out that we camped out here. We started placing things back up to my room. I grabbed as much blankets as I can get and started running for the stairs but nearly tripped. Its like having a mini-heart attack. Absolutely scary. I braced for the impact that never came.

"Good timing huh?" I heard Mikey say from behind me and saw him holding me by my waist.

"Honestly, you guys are so sweet," Vincent said.


Hey all!! Gosh I am so sorry, its been a long time since I posted. I totally wish I had more time but I really am trying. Multi-tasking isn't so easy. Oh well. Hope you guys enjoyed! It's a bit short though.

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