Chapter one

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(Warning! This story does not follow the plot for the musical.  I did not think to mention it til I was writing Chapter like 17 nor does Connor act ... As bad as Connor in the musical because I wanted this to be a happier story sorry for the inconvenience!)


I stumble my way into the office; Running late as I slam into the office nearly tripping over myself and almost falling. I basically fall on to the counter to get a late slip from Melissa, the office lady.

"Hey Melissa! Could I get a late slip?"

I ask her quickly as my hands shake slightly. She hands me one that she already made me and says

"You better hurry (Y/N) or else you'll miss all of first period."

And smiles at me. I quickly thank her and run to first period as fast as my feet can take me. As I approach the class room I try to even my breathing and walk in. I scan the classroom to find any empty seats. I look around and see the only open seat is next to the one and only Connor Murphy. 'Great just my luck! I'm running late and the only seat is next to him' I think to myself. I hand the teacher my late slip and sit next to Connor and angle my seat away from his, as he does the same.

After a couple of minutes I hear the bell ring and I get out of the class room as fast as I can. While I'm trying to hurry to my next class I run into somebody and knock them over. I look down to see Evan Hansen with his arm in a cast.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I should have watched where I was going!"

I say helping him up. He looks at me with a light blush on his face and says

" It's fine."

I smile at him before hearing the Warning bell.

" Well I've got to go. But I'll see you at lunch!"

I tell him and run off again. I walk into class and see some seats are still open so I make my way to the very back and sit down. Eventually the rest of the students shuffle in and so does the teacher. I turn to my left to see who's sat by me and I see Connor Freaking Murphy. ' great again? Why am I always sitting by him?' I ask myself. I turn back to the front as the teacher says

" Ok students please get out your text books and turn to page 394."

I grab my text book and turn to the assigned page.

The period goes by surprisingly quick, and I head off to art. Art in my opinion is my favorite subject. Not only that but my teacher is the best teacher. Mainly because we get to listen to music but because he lets us express ourselves. I walk into the art classroom and pull on an apron.

" Good morning (Y/N)!"

The art teacher , Mr.Jack, says to me.


I say back to him. I go to my usual spot and grab an easel to put my painting I was working on last time on. I notice Connor in the corner of my eye and I turn to look at him.

" Wait! You have art?"

I ask him.

"Um yeah. I've always been in this class."

He says back.


I say and turn back to my painting. ' guess you've never paid attention in this class that much' I think again. We all paint or draw for about nearly 55 minutes before Mr.Jack says.

" Ok everyone we are going to go on a field trip to a famous museum called Louvre. You will be sent home with a permission slip next week. We will stay at a hotel for about a week and then come back."

Nearly all of us gasp and turn to others in excitement. I turn to two of my close friends. Lena and Fawn turn to me as well and we all start freaking out.

" Don't look now but Connor is staring at you (Y/N)."

Fawn whispers in my ear. I turn around to "look at the clock" and see that he was. Once I turned around he looked down at his drawing. I turn back to them blushing.

" We have about 2 minutes left."

I tell them and I start to pack up. We finish packing right as the bell rings.

" I told Evan that I would see him at lunch. You guys want to sit with him?"

I ask the girls as we enter the lunch room. They both nod their heads and we get our meals. I walk over to the table Evans at. Still buzzing with excitement I sit down and both boys at the table look at us.

" Oh h-hey (Y/N)!"

Evan says to me.

" Hey Evan what's up? How was math?"

I say with a wide smile on my face.

"Fine I guess."

He says back.

"These are my friends Lena and Fawn."

I say pointing to the two of them.

" This is J-jared."

He says to me. I nod my head.

" So guess what!?"

I nearly squeal at him. He looks at me and says


I smile widely

" The art classes are going to Louvre!"

I tell him excitedly.

" Wait I'm in a-art! I have h-him right after lunch!"

He says happily. All of us smile.

"Wait so you got three girls to sit with us. Just so you could talk about the Mona Lisa?"

Jared asks him. I laugh as Evan hits his arm lightly and rolls his eyes.

" Sorry about him he's weird."

He says to us.

"Oh and bringing three girls to me and talking about art isn't?"

Jared asks. The three of us laugh when Evan rolls his eyes again.

" He's staring again."

I hear Lena say in my ear. I look at her with a questioning look. She points her head to the table behind Evan and Jared and I see Connor looking at me. ' maybe he likes you dimwit.' I think to myself. I look down and shake my head at the thought of that. Taking a bite of my food and after about five minutes the bell rings.

Hi there! I'm KK and this is my first story so I would like some constructive criticism if you could. Please tell me what I could fix or what you think needs to be fixed. Depending on what it is I will probably fix it.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now