Chapter Ten

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I wake up this morning basically on top of Connor. I don't feel like getting up so I just lay there until I feel Connor start to move around. I pretend to wake up and fall off the bed. Connor shoots up and looks down at me.

"Are you ok?"

I groan and nod my head getting up. I glance over to Connor and see him trying to go back to sleep. I walk over to him and tickle him. He screams and falls off the bed breathing heavily. I start to laugh and I'm using the desk for support.

" You're going to regret that!"

He says laughing. I look up and run out of the room with him hot on my trail. I try to shut the bathroom door but he gets in. I laughing I jump into the shower and here the door close. Thinking he left I step out of the shower only to be showered by tickles. I try to get him to stop but we end up in a fit of laughing. We hear a knock on the door.

"What are you two doing in there?"

"AH! He's tickling me cause I tickled him to wake him up!"

I yell laughing. I hear Zoe open the door and laugh at our position. I get up and turn the shower on.

"Now get out! I have to shower."

I say giggling. Connor laughs at my accent and leaves. Zoe winks at me and then leaves. I soon finish showering and get ready quickly. I walk down to mine and Conners room to see him on the phone. I send him a questioning look and he tells the person to fuck off and hangs up. I now see that it's my phone that he was using and he was probably cussing my brother out. Cute and sweet. I take my phone and he looks at me.

"Sorry it's just when I walked in here the phone was ringing. And when I answered it your brother was being an asshole so...."

"It's fine thanks for doing that."

"No problem."

He tells me smiling. He leaves the room to go take a shower. He didn't take some clothes only a towel. I pick up the clothes that were on the bed and walk down the hallway to the bathroom. I knock and I hear something that was muffled by the door.


Soon I hear the door open and see Connor dripping wet and looking very mad.


"Oh I brought the clothes you left on the bed."

I tell him blushing. He thanks me and shuts the door quickly. I walk back down the hallway and see Zoe in our room.

"What's that about?"

"He left his clothes in here so I took them to him."


She says walking out of the room just as Connor walks in. I ruffle his still wet hair and laugh.

"Would it be bad to call you a poodle?"

He nods his head and I call "poodle don't go!" After him. I hear him groan and I laugh following him. I hear him talking to Zoe and slow my movements. I hear him groan and yell for me to hurry. I quickly go back down the stairs and we start to walk to school. The three of us mess around until a car pull up to us.

"Get in losers we're carpooling!"

Jared yells out the window I laugh and sit in the back with Connor while Zoe sits upfront. I sit and play on my phone until I hear.

"(Y/N) don't answer if you like Connor."

"Wait what?"

"Aw sorry Connor."

I give him a questioning look and he rolls his eyes saying that they're being stupid. I shrug it off and feel Connor tap me on the shoulder.

"You wanna skip today?"

"It's Friday why not. But can we go get Lena and Fawn?"

Jared nods and calls them and asks where they are. We go and pick them up from the spot they're at. Suddenly the door opens and Lena's telling me to sit on the floor or on someone's lap. I look at Connor and he sighs. I smile and clime on him lap. I look up to the front and see Evan in between Zoe and Jared. I grab my phone out and just play some games til we reach Starbucks. I get off of Connors lap and walk in and wait for everyone else. Once the rest get in I order and wait for the rest. Connor, Jared, and I sit on one side while the rest sit on the other. I get my drink and sit back down staring at Connor. I see Connor look at me and wave his hand in my face. I blink rapidly and refocus.


"You were starting."

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about the trip next week."

"Wait who signed it?"

"I did. I forged my dad's cause I've got it down."

I say smiling. Connor looks at me surprised and he high-fived me. I smile and laugh it off. I drink most of my drink and play on my phone.

"Can we go to the park?"


"Because for once I want to be outside."

I tell them smiling. And leave and I get a text from Lena.

From: Lena 12:28
Or you just wanted to leave😏😉

I sigh and look over at her. She smiles at me as I sit on Connors lap. I flip her off and smile sweetly. She sticks her tongue out and I roll my eyes. We get to the park in about 10 minutes. I run out of the car almost falling to get a good table. I sit down and look around for my friends. I see them walking towards me.

"Y'know for a girl who just got out of the hospital two days ago you sure do have a lot of energy."

Connor tells me. I smile at him and stand on the table. I check the time and put on some music. And when I say music I mean Hamilton and Heather's.
Me and Connor are all but yelling the lyrics out. Some women glare at us and I nearly flip her the bird but Connor makes me stop. We all laugh and do stupid stuff while people glare at us. We soon have to leave and Jared drops us off.


Hello everyone! How is everyone? I hope you're good 😊

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now