Chapter Six

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I wake up to warmth surrounding me. I don't want to move until I realize where I am. I decide not to move until he gets up. I hear light knocking on the door and it opening.

"Connor... Connor why is (Y/N) in your bed?"

" I'll let her explain."

He tells her and starts to shake me. I blink my eyes and sit up only to slam myself back down on the other side of the bed. I hear Connor and Zoe laugh. I groan and say something about not wanting to go to school but it's muffled by the bed.

"You have to get up and explain why your in my brother's bed with no pants on."

Zoe says and I roll my eyes even if they can't see it. I sit up and look her straight in the eyes.

"My dad's a fuckface."

I say with a straight face and slam back down before realizing. I do have to go. I hear Zoe sorry and I wave her off telling her it's fine. She gives me some leggings and a tank top to wear to school. I thank her and the three of us go downstairs to get some food and hope that their parents don't get too mad. We all walk down and their parents look at us with a confused look on their faces.

"Who's this?"


They say at the same time. I blush and wave at them. They don't question it and we eat. After we finish we all head to my house to get my stuff and I hope my dad's not home. After we arrive at my house I walk in and see my brother on the couch crying. I run over to him.

" What happened?! Where's dad?"

"H-he wasn't here when I w-woke up."

He says still crying into me. After hearing the commotion the siblings come in and I tell them what happened. I ask Zoe to watch him for a moment and go up to my room to get something. After I grab my things I go to my dad's room and grab his stash of money. I then go to the bathroom and grab my secret one which has about $250. I walk back down to them and pull out my phone and calling my dad.
(Bold = dad)
(Bold underlined = you)


What the hell is wrong with you?

What are you talking about?

Fuck you! Why the hell did you leave Ash here alone!?

Because I didn't have time for him!

You are an asshole! Rot in hell!

I say hanging up on him. They both look at me and Zoe comes over to me and hugs me. I start to ball when my brother asked me why I said that to our dad. He comes over to me and hugs me. I look over to Connor and see that he's on the phone. Once he gets off he walks over to us.

"So you two are now staying with us."


I asks him on the verge of tears. He nods his head. I stand up and hug him. I also hug Zoe. Connor tells me that we are going to take our stuff over there right now and that his parents would take us to school later. I got up to my room with Zoe while Conner goes with Ash. After I finish getting all my things I walk to my brother's room to see them finishing up. We take the stuff we packed and walk back to the Murphy's house.

"Ok well (Y/N) you can sleep in Connors room while Ash sleeps in Zoe's because she has more space for the both of them."

Their mother explains. I thank her profusely and take my things up to Connors room. After both me and Ash get our things in Mrs.Murphy drives me to ashes school to drop him off and them takes up to our school. We get to the school just in time for lunch and we run straight to the lunchroom. I run to the table Lena and Fawn are at with Jared and Evan.

" Sorry guys I had some... Um things to deal with."

"As long as your ok that's all that matters."

Lena tells me and I smile at her motherness. We continue to eat lunch and when the bell rings we all go to science. Connor and I sit like usual and so do the girls. We start to work on the PowerPoint that she's having us all make and saving it to the USB drive I have. I ask Connor if it's alright if I tell Lena and Fawn about what happened and he tells me that it's not decision to make. I sigh and think about it. I tell him I'm going to have them over and tell them. He nods his head and the bell rings about 5 minutes later. We walk into ELA and I tell the girls were going to my house after school. They nod and get out their bo and read as do Connor and I. After ELA we go to PE and me and Connor look at each other. After we finish dancing and changing the five of us walk out of the gym and start walking to my brother's school. We then walk to the Murphy's house. Once we reach their house they look at me confused.

"I thought we were going to your house (Y/N)?"

"We are. I'll uh explain inside."

We all walk in and Zoe takes Ash up to their room while me and Connor along with Lena and Fawn go to Connors. Me and Connor drop our stuff and flop on the bed. After thinking about what I'm going to say I sit up and look at the girls.

"So basically last night my dad didn't come home til about 2 in the morning. And when he did he was drunk off his ass and with some blond. I got pissed and ran out. I called Connor and I stayed the night here. When I went to my house to pick up my backpack I found Ash there alone and I called him pissed. So Connor told his parents and Ash and I are staying here now."

I tell them. They both run over and hug me.

" Oh my God I'm so sorry (Y/N)!"

"It's fine Lena. You didn't do anything."

I tell her. She smiles and we just sit on the bed for a minute before Connor come in with ice cream. I take the bowl and eat some. He then pulls out three more spoons and hand one to each of them. I giggle and hand the bowl back to him going to my backpack. The girls eventually had to go home and we get ready for bed. I get into bed and wait for Connor to do so too. After I feel the bed dip slightly I fall soundly asleep to the sound of Connor breathing.


Hello! Sorry I didn't post twice yesterday I might not today either but Im kinda busy with some things. But I hope you enjoy the story!

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