Chapter Nine

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I wake up and look around and see Connor sitting in his desk chair. I blush remembering this morning. I grab my phone and see that I have some missed calls from my brother and some texts. I delete them and set my phone down. I sigh and roll on my side and see Connor looking at me. Hes rubbing his hands together. 'just think about what those hands did this mo-' no I will not think about that! 'or will you?' nah I won't. I sigh and lay on my face. My mind creeps back to this morning and I can feel myself blushing.

"Hey are you ok? Your ears are red."

"Oh yeah I'm fine just.... Nothing."

I tell him looking at his hands. And I look back at my phone. I grab my phone and open Instagram. I scroll through my feed and suddenly get up when I see it's only 7:18. I walk over to Zoe's room and knock. I hear her call come in and I open the door shutting it behind me.

" Hey what's up?"

"I need to get something off my chest. Ok?"

"Yea what wrong?"

"Ok this is sorta weird. So basically this morning I had left my phone in the bathroom and when I heard that he was already in the shower I just walked in and my phone was under some towel or something so I didn't find it right away. Long story short I may have heard something I wasn't supposed to."

She gasps and looks at me with wide-eyes.

" Whose name did you hear?"

" Nobody's name I just heard y'know stuff."

I tell her blushing a bright red. I sigh and wish he wasn't so cute.

" Lena and Fawn told me what they are doing and I think this just helps it!" She tells me smiling.

I sigh and smile. We continue to talk til about 11:48 or something. I tell her I'm going to bed and walk into my room. Not even changing I fall into bed and fall asleep instantly.

_In the morning_

I wake up and see Connor already up and ready. Completely forgetting yesterday I get up and go take a shower. In my sleep induced haze I forgot my clothes. I groan in frustration. I walk out of the bathroom looking around making sure no one is out. I quickly run to my room and see my clothes on the bed I get my undergarments on when I hear the door open. I quickly turn around seeing Connor walking in.

"Hey (Y/n) are yo- oh my god."

He says frozen to the spot. I start to feel selfconscious and cover myself. He blushes brightly. He apologizes profusely backing out of the room. I blush brightly and finish getting ready. I quickly get my things and walk down stairs.

"Jesus what is it with you two and walking in on each other!?"

Zoe says and then has a look of pure terror on her face.

"Wait what?!"


Zoe quickly says and runs out of the house. Connor looks at me and backs me into the wall.

" What is she talking about?"

"Nothing she was just being dramatic!"

I tell him blushing at the thought of yesterday morning. He look at me as though he doesn't believe me but let's me walk out of the house. I quickly catch up to Zoe giving her a death glare. She sends me an apologetic look and mouths ' I'm sorry'. I sigh and look ahead. ' he was so close to kissing you!'
Yes I'm aware. Why am I talking to myself? I sign again as we approach the school and walk in grabbing what I need for first and walking to Fawn and Lena lockers to see Zoe there. They all three have smiles on their faces (their trapped and well concealed) I sigh as I walk up to them. She apparently told them what happened yesterday and today so I am royally screwed today. We all walk to first and sit where we normally sit. We finish the math assignment and talk for awhile. When we enter history all again sit where we usually do.

"Hello everyone today we are going to be doing a poster project on one person in history. You and your partner who I have already picked with decide and it will be due the Friday after next because I know most of you have an art trip next week."

She says to us and most groan but I smile due to the fact that we get to pick our person. When she calls out mine and Connors name I look at him and smile with a light blush on my face from this mornings events. We then
Talk about what we want to do for the project agreeing on A. Hamilton for it. We tell her and then start to do some research. And when I say research I mean listing to the Hamilton soundtrack and writing down most of the lyrics. By the end of the class we are just joking around and whispering Hamilton lyrics to each other. We walk to art together and I set up an easel. I then proceed to paint John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton drinking shots. Or I at least draw the outline for it. When the bell finally rings the girls run out and head to lunch I guess and leave me and Connor to put my stuff up. We walk to lunch forgetting the ordeal this morning and talking again. We get our food and sit with the others who suspiciously aren't talking. I know what their doing so I leave it. I then get a phone call from my brother. I ignore the call and start to talk to Evan about what's been going on while I was gone. He tells me nothing much and I then get another call from my brother. I again ignore it and silence my phone.

"So you guys want to tell them what happened this morning or shall I?"

"Connor walked in on me with no clothes on!" I say blushing. "Sorry Connor."

He rolls his eyes and says it's fine. We continue to eat with the others talking about random stuff. The rest of the day goes by in a blur and as soon a I know it I'm back home and I'm working on my project with Connor. After we work on that for a while we finally eat dinner and go to bed. I smile at Connor laughing.


Hello! Posting twice In (sorta) one day! Just a warning that im a giant Hamilton nerd so... Yea

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