Chapter Three

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I wake up to my brother shaking me and my father yelling something. I look at the time and see it's only 6:45. I thank my little brother and grab my cloths for the day and run to the bathroom for a shower. After I get out of the shower and walk down to the table my dad comes down stairs.

"Morning (Y/N)"

My father says to me. I look at him and wave due to the food in my mouth. My little brother comes down fully dressed and ready to go.

"Can we go yet?"

I hear him whine. I wince and hope that just this once he doesn't want to go. But nope today is the day he so desperately wants to go. ' good then you'll be able to see Connor.' I hear the voice say. I groan and look at him. I sigh when I see his eager face.

" Yeah lettuce go!"

I tell him. I hear him giggle at my joke

" Don't you mean let us go?"

He giggles. I nod my head and say

" I said that lettuce go!"

And smile at him. I see Zoe walking towards me with Connor trailing behind. I see Ashton run up to Zoe and hug her and then do the same with Connor.

"I'm sorry about him he's just happy to see other "grown ups""

I tell the two. I then look over to Connor who's holding Ashton. I look at the time and see we have about 20 minutes left. Me and Zoe giggle when Connor keeps tickling Ashton.

" You want us to walk with you to drop him off?"

Zoe asks me with a smile. I think for a moment and decide

" Sure and we better get going."

I tell her and she nods telling Connor to hurry up. When we get there I take Ashton's hand and walk him to the teachers door with Zoe and Connor behind me.

" Bye Ash! Have a good day!"

I yell to him as he sits down. He waves back to me and starts talking to a kid next to him. On the way to school me and Zoe talk about the dance unit. We only talk about what dances we think might do. Thankfully not mentioning who we have as partners. I wave bye to her and walk to my locker once we get to school. I see Lena and Fawn run over to me while smiling.

"Why did you walk to school with Zoe and Connor?"

Fawn asks me as soon as she walks up. I sigh when I hear this. I look over to the two of them knowing I won't be able to keep this for long. I sigh again.

" We meet at the park after school. I'll explain then."

I tell them and they smile. I go to class and sit down looking over and seeing Connor. I blush dark and look down.
' Well at least Ash likes him' my mind thinks. Oh no no no no! I will not be thinking like this.

" Wait! I have to do that project with Connor after school but if we don't then we'll meet at the park. But I'll text you later."

They smile and nod. After the bell rings and the teacher walks in I look at Connor one more time before paying attention. We work on math for the whole time and just as the bell rings. We all pack up and walk to our next class. I walk into history and see a sub. I know today is going to be hard. I sigh and just lay my head down. The teacher tells us to get our text books out and just read. After that period I smile and run to Mr.Jacks room. I walk in and immediately start talking to Lena and Fawn. We discuss what we're going to do for the field trip. I giggle and notice someone turn their head towards us. Not thinking anything of it, I continue to work on my project.

"Hey (Y/N/N)? You want some coffee at lunch?"

Fawn asks me. I look over at her and stare before nodding my head enthusiastically. She smile at me and we continue working our what we're doing. The bell for lunch finally rings right after we pack our things up. The three of us run to Fawns locker to grab the coffee. We soon sit down at the table with Evan and Jared.

" Hey guys!"

I say to the two. Evan looks up at me and waves while Jared just keeps his head down. I see going over to her brother and talking for and minute before sighing and waking away.

" He held my brother and they laughed and played." I tell them.

They look at me confused and I point my head to Connor.

" That's why I walked in with them. My brother loves the two of them and Zoe offered to walk with me to take him to school and he tagged along."

I say to them while looking down. I blush when I hear them giggle. They start to whisper while I eat and play on my phone. Suddenly I get a call and I see it's my older brother. I immediately answer it.

" Hey bro! What's up?"

I say excitedly. I hear him laugh on the other side.

" I'm good what are you doing?"

" Nothing I'm just at lunch with Dumb and Dumber. Also Jared and Evan."

I giggle when Fawn and Lena start arguing about who is who.

" Who's Evan and Jared?"

"Ah just two of my other friend don't worry." I tell him as the bell rings.

" Sorry but I have to go!"

I tell him and hang up. I finish my coffee and throw my food away. I rush to my next class wanting to get this over with. I walk in and sit behind Connor again knowing we are just going to have to work together anyways. I sigh when the teacher tells us to get with our partners and start to work.

" Ok so we both know this is not something we can finish in class so do you just want to go to one of our houses and work on it?"

I ask him as politely as I can. He nods him head and tells me well figure out who's after school. I agree and we start doing research on the brain. After them bell rings and the four of us go to ELA and we read our book again. P.E whoo hoo I hate this class
Ok I don't hate the class persay I just hate the unit we're doing.

"Ok class get with your partners and find an area that's not too crowded."

Our teacher tells us. I go find Connor after I finish getting ready. We know what dance we are going to start with and we both sigh. Lena and Jared find their way towards us.

" Jared I swear to God. If you say a word I will shove a c-"

" Ok (Y/N)! I think he understands!"

Lena says to me and I laugh when I see Connor smile. Why do I feel accomplished? I ask myself. I sigh again and we wait. After the teacher demonstrates we start to dance and me and Connor do surprisingly well. The bell finally rings and we all get ready to go. I walk outside and see Connor and Zoe.

How is everyone?

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